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  1. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    So I got the fence up for the run over the weekend. Chickens are out only during the day. Locked up at night. Still need to trim everything out. Used 2x3 fence. Fence staples at every other junction where wires cross. Going to screw boards over top and sandwich the fence. Finished the bucket...
  2. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    So got interior pretty well wrapped up minus nest boxes. Got seams caulked and inside painted. Roost is up (with poop board), windows are covered in 1/2" hardware cloth with trim screwed down over top to hold it from being pushed out. Chicks are happy to be out there. Just need to get fence up...
  3. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I had honestly thought about it, but I think I got a little better idea. Building my lights from the galvanized mason jar feeders, and using a pint jar over top the bulb. May even get that blue tint glass mason jar when we go swap meeting.
  4. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    TalkALittle I definetly agree. I would have put plywood up as that was my original thought, but the drywall was free, 5/8" thick and the mold resistant type. Don't think it will pose a problem as its only on the ceiling, with plywood on the walls. If I start to see mold spots it will be coming...
  5. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    So last night I got the drywall all hung up on the ceiling and first coat of paint on it. Just going to caulk the seams on the drywall. Took a few pictures. Going to build doors tomorrow and put hardware cloth on windows. The chicks will then be able to come out into the coop. Then from there I...
  6. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    So this weekend is going to be moving day for the chicks. I just need to get the coop doors built and hardware cloth on the windows. They are 8 weeks, and have outgrown their box so it's time. Probably going to keep them in there a few days and finish up their run. Then all that is left is trim...
  7. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I would probably do the 8 foot sections. Divide garden into 4. I would use light fence on that cause they would only be out there when I'm home.
  8. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I am starting to lean towards the 2x4 fence. I really like how your run looks. The stakes and conduit make for a nice fence support. May have to do that when I section garden off in the fall.
  9. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Rides2far if you can please place a picture of the gopher wire. Looking at all my options, even if I already have chicken wire. Thanks for the compliments. I am liking the storage too. Wife says I have to much stuff, so this should help me clean some of it out. Have a 10x12 shed to clean out and...
  10. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    TalkALittle, thanks for the input. I will have to price it out. It may be the route I go.
  11. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    That was my thinking on the whole insulation thing. I got it. Why not use it... It should help with winter drafts too. Question I have now.. On the run, could I use 2"x4" opening welded wire and cover the bottom 24" with chicken wire? I have enough chicken wire to do whole run. Would it keep...
  12. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I am well aware of that. Venting the roof like that will help keep down the temps inside the coop. I have windows on 3 sides for ventilation, which in the winter I will probably keep the 2 furthest from the roosts open for airflow. Like I also stated I still need to cut in for vents above the...
  13. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions, keep them coming. It is nice to have someone double check my work...
  14. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Aart, I am putting hardware cloth on the windows for sure. Still have to cut in for vents. Insulation is already in the walls and covered with osb. All gaps that were showing insulation I took and covered with flashing. The eaves are vented to allow airflow between insulation and roof with a...
  15. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I have been rethinking the chicken wire constantly. But at the moment I am sitting on the chicken wire. Donated from a friend, and it isnt financially feasible at this time. I plan to go that route in a few years. I figure 3 or 4 years i will have to put on another coat of paint, expand and then...
  16. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Got a little bit done yesterday. Got the compost area framed out and started putting in the cross pieces inside to hold the drywall up on the ceiling. It was free as well as the foam insulation going up on ceiling. Got the electrical boxes in and wiring ran. Hopefully with a little luck I can...
  17. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Thanks Eggsotric. Just trying to make for some happy chicks. My goal is to have them out in 2 weeks. There is still a lot to do. Going to work on finishing up on the framing of the compost area today and hopefully get it all painted. Will post pictures tonight of everything I get done.
  18. ashorter

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    So it has been awhile since I have last updated. Chickens are growing like weeds. Got the coop out of the garage and around back where it is going to stay. It moved a lot easier then I had anticipated. Neighbor video taped it and knowing them its up on youtube somewhere. Been working off and on...
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