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  1. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I bet they'll look nice with the blue tinted glass. Post some pics of them when complete.
  2. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    BTW, I think some recessed lighting would look awesome in that vaulted ceiling. ;)
  3. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    Ah. Given the type, where it was installed, and the oh-so-appealing price tag, I understand your choice better.
  4. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    I'm surprised at your choice to use drywall. I would think that plywood sheeting would be a more practical choice. I don't know a whole bunch about construction but we stored some drywall in our garage and over time the humidity caused it to deteriorate and mold a bit on the edges that came in...
  5. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    2x4 Welded wire is what's on my run. It keeps out the coons, opposum, and would probably keep out my dogs if they were inclined to try and get in.
  6. TalkALittle

    Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop

    That's looking great! Your chicks will love their deluxe accommodations for sure. My only suggestion is to skip the chicken wire and go with hardware cloth. As someone who used the same "I'll be there to shut them in at night" logic when building my run, I can tell you that's the thing I regret...
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