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  1. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    One of the best days of my life was when I gave Walmart my keys back to one of their stores... Just saying................
  2. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    Yes it does. I have as thread that has gone so far off it is a gonner now. Anxious to see you PBA's develop.
  3. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I'm still trying to find a source for American Game Fowl. Prefer hatching eggs. Just need 2-4 pullets. Don't need a rooster as I want to cross them with a Cubalaya and an Ameracuana (sp).
  4. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I still have the original RIR roosters that I bred more RIR from and sold along with some red sex links. They roost with a big Delaware boy and 2 white Leghorn boys. All the roosters are just part of an on the farm gene pool for what ever suits my fancy of mixing up.
  5. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    They don't get much scratch. They get turned out in the morning to free range and some starter/grower from a feeder they know where is. Three big New Hampshire boys and one bigger Red Ranger that hang together, one RIR, the original pet Black Sex Link that came as a freebie and two White Giants...
  6. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I have a pen of 7 roosters plus Legs to patrol now but they had rather beg for scratch and a bit of fresh bread daily.
  7. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I'd like guineas here but at a country intersections of paved roads they would be shot by neighbors for food or get hit by speeding pickups. I can't see keeping them in a coop and covered run. We would like them for a tick patrol.
  8. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    The guineas must not have been old enough to roost up high??
  9. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I hope that Tom turkey can't do anymore damage to your breeders.
  10. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    Are the Asil roosters known for needing encouragement?
  11. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    It's sure a pretty day here for free ranging. Can't let mine out until I can stay out there with them to keep them from harvesting my peas for themselves.
  12. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    Maybe some tall meat birds with long necks so the feeders can be hung higher and will stay cleaner with less litter kicked up in them. The Saipans and Cornish are of similar weights. Saipans a little larger.
  13. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I will breed some Saipan roosters to Dark Cornish hens too. I keep hatching Dark Cornish for breeding other breeds to and freezer camp,
  14. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I do have one other breed besides Saipans on order and that is some Cream Legbars for their blue eggs for the kids, well grand kids, better make that great grand kids. I needed to order something to fill out the Saipan order with to get to a full box of 25 that might be fun to mess with so...
  15. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    My Delaware flock and White Giant flock. Expanding Breese and Dark Cornish. Breeding a Dark Cornish Rooster to Jumbo Cornish Rock hens once I get some more. My current CxR hens have stopped laying. Hope they resume once the summer days are here. I've already sold all of the RIR flock that I...
  16. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    That would be great as soon all of the common breeds will be sold off so I can tinker my old age away with the big tall breeds I've grown to love and then some of the tiny ones two. I love my little silkies that can hatch my eggs from big birds.
  17. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    Good stock is hard to find. At least it is hard for me to find it in my neck of the woods.
  18. LTAY1946

    PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

    I will probably have to order too. I've not looked on eBay yet for hatching eggs. That may work too.
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