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  1. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Dietary Trends From Our Ancestors (PDF) This was on Mercola yesterday. It's written by Ashley Armstrong. Reference to "ancestors" is going back to the early 1900's. The charts and old recipe snippets are interesting. Perhaps something more...
  2. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    If you going to do that, you may as well get a chocolate shaped turkey instead!
  3. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Unfortunately, in many cases you can't even trust the labels. Your cheese may show "rennet" as an ingredient but is really Fermentation-Produced Chymosin (FPC).
  4. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Sorry, I hoped 5 ingredient didn't come across that way. Cook with as much as you want, but the advice was that when you BUY something already packaged , the ingredient list on the package should have no more than 5 ingredients. Plus, you'd want to apply come common sense. If you buy dried...
  5. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Well, I didn't list it as I would not want that to come across as an endorsement or recommendation. But, since you asked ... The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain Permanently by Dr. Bruce Fife ND He's a big proponent of coconut oil. (And I have largely switched to...
  6. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Many years ago I read a book that suggested only buy things to eat that have 5 ingredients or less and avoid anything with crazy long names that are hard to pronounce. And, while that's over simplified and can miss thigs that should be avoided, it really is a decent mind frame / place to start...
  7. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    I think this really hits the nail on the head. For decades the common nutrition mantra was 'eating fats makes you fat' and 'eating a high cholesterol diet give you high cholesterol.' The studies behind those were flimsy at best and mostly financed/promoted by people who profited from it ...
  8. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    This had me thinking of an article that just expired on Forever Chemicals Found in 88% of Kale Tested Fortunately, I saved it to PDF, now attached for your reading pleasure. The sample size is ridiculously low. But it still has some good information that can make one pause to...
  9. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    I've seen the adulterated oil a number of times ... but what can the end consumer really do? Not sure how to test those things at home.
  10. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Linoleic Acid: A Narrative Review of the Effects of Increased Intake in the Standard American Diet and Associations with Chronic Disease (file attached for clicking convenience)
  11. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    NAFLD Has Become a Health Emergency Among Children (requires providing email - PDF of page attached) Linked video:
  12. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Can you please link to /repost one of the pictures being mentioned? Thank you.
  13. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition
  14. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    UPF's aren't just candy soda and chips: Frozen meals Soft drinks Hot dogs Deli meat Fast food Packaged cookies Cakes Salty snacks Plant-based milks Jarred sauces Ice cream, ham sausages mass-produced bread breakfast cereals fruit-flavoured yogurts instant soups some alcoholic drinks including...
  15. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Personally, I'm not a fan of using our tax code to manipulate peoples behaviors. Think of your least favorite politician ... do you want that person dictating your decisions by controlling taxes? I posted this link in post #67...
  16. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    sorry. stream of consciousness :)
  17. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    peanut M&M's .... I just can't buy them or I'll eat them all.
  18. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Just stumbled upon this today on emulsifiers: (not one my my usual go-to sources for information and I haven't checked out the sources)
  19. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    here's something I just read that pertains to the discussions a bit. It's from a human health perspective, but does discuss animal wellbeing also. (and really, that is sort of consistent with the OP.)...
  20. K

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Sometimes 'science' becomes 'folk knowledge.' I remember reading that opossums eat ticks and including Lyme-disease-carrying deer ticks. Apparently some study led 'scientists' to believe it and it got repeated ad nauseum until it became folk knowledge. It since later has been debunked. But...
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