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  1. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Oh definitely. I just finished my fourth cup of the day.
  2. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Thanks for the coffee. Dragging this morning. Stupid Monday.
  3. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    I'm sleepy this morning. Forecast is 86. Off to find and destroy squash bugs.
  4. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Thanks for the coffee. Gonna need it on this busy Saturday.
  5. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Yum thanks! It's Friday! Woot!
  6. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Thanks for the coffee. Only 62 here. Feels like September, not August.
  7. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Morning all.
  8. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    My mother in law has similar issues in her back. That's rough.
  9. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Glad we are into a new day. Ready for a third cup so I made more. Come get it.
  10. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    My husband thinks that the hoop coop will freeze them on the winter. I honestly don't know what to do.
  11. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Yeah. They are locked up for now. I rent so I can't build a big fence. I might make a hoop coop. They're just so ugly.
  12. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Yeah. We don't who owns it. Police responded but my husband declined to file. She passed, unfortunately. My kiddo really liked her.
  13. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    We're off to a rough start today. Just got word that a random dog pulled one of our girls through the fence. I think she'll survive but it still sucks.
  14. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Omg that sounds horrific. I do hope you feel better.
  15. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Back pain is the worst. I have sciatica that acts up occasionally. It stinks.
  16. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    I'll take a cup thanks. My brother deals in stocks and says the same. They always come back.
  17. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Morning all. Already on my second cup. Come and join me. Only 62 this morning. Feels like fall.
  18. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Rightfully so. He is the best. And that is what the name is from. 😉
  19. Beaker99

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Thanks for the coffee. Had a lovely storm last night. Only 69F this morning.
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