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  1. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Have been trying to get pics of Missy and Mister. Subaru loved to photo bomb lol
  2. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    8 weeks tomorrow! Look at Survivor's little mohawk! Lol Still can't decide if Subaru(grey) is a roo or not lol sure has the attitude for it lol And after I took these pictures I realized Mister was not in them lol he was under the nest boxes (ETA: if you look in top left corner of first pic...
  3. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Son wants to name Grey Butt, Orangeless, and I want to name her GreyBeard lol
  4. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Pretty sure Survivor was trying to crow... 😭 Lol he was also cooing to the girls about the tomato But that's how it goes for me haha that's okay though. He may be a keeper! And Missy has a beard!!! (White)
  5. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Haha! Got Missy! And Mister through the bars lol
  6. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    7 weeks old today. The white ones Missy and Mister don't like the camera lol
  7. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Right? I sent his pic to whom I got his egg from and she said it came from her Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (r) over RIR who has a huge comb, so fingers crossed! She sent me a pic of her rooster at 7 weeks and you could tell he was a roo lol *fingers crossed!!! Lol
  8. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    6.5 weeks old, 7 weeks Friday (May 3rd) Still trying to figure out if I can tell roos from pullets. Just like our buff brahmas some had bigger combs but none are red. Although the two white ones we figure is male and female as they have the same parents, the others all have same dad different...
  9. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Plenty of roosts just their first time in the coop at all so it's just to make sure they know where they going and what's going on. We have a few girls that leave the coop before the sun rises and lights turn on and then have others that wait a few minutes after lights. There are 2 more 8foot...
  10. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Most are up on the roost, they did it all their own trying get out of their little sectioned off area lol I'll be getting up before the light comes on to make sure they aren't trampled but I have several out-of-sight areas set up for them. Our adult brahmas and Australorps don't mind them, it's...
  11. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Moved our 7 back outside! They spent the first hour rolling around in the dirt this morning. They are currently in the coop, and I plan on checking and maybe taking a photo, but I loved to take their photos in the natural light!
  12. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    We have four Buff Orpingtons that we call Nuggets lol they love pecking/tasting our skin/jeans lol and they are loud and kinda dumb lol 😂
  13. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    And RIP Owl and Scruffy
  14. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Names and some single photos when I had to clean them out today! Multiple photos! Mister Missy Dreamsicle Subaru Survivor Redhead (as a chick her head was red lol) Grey butt (she was all grey as a chick lol)
  15. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Had a little (big) hiccup with adventuring. 5 weeks. (6 weeks this Friday) Ended up with the suspected Coccidiosis. Lost one Sunday : ( got treatment and lost one Monday night. Two of our favorite coloring too, poor babies. We just thought they were cold because we moved them out and then the...
  16. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    They love the dust bath lol the other day there were four in it at once lol
  17. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    I feel like they are slow growing lol from yesterday, 4 weeks old,
  18. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    These are our roo suspects, lol
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