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  1. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Great to see the farm coming along and great to hear from you. Thanks for the update. You Rock!
  2. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Just streaking through here..... Life happens. My Dad went into the hospital with pneumonia and went downhill fast from there. He is back in his memory care ( really nice ) facility, but is pretty much bedridden and needs 24 hour care. I have requested and received FMLA for 6 weeks and...
  3. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Okay, I'll play. First, without cheating (from memory, not looking back for answers....) How many shipped to yah hatching eggs did I say are required to get one breeding prospective trio from? 200+ (214) Breeding poultry is a science and a what? Art What comb type did some judged...
  4. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Of course, Diva! For the sake of diversity, and because we love you, you can be our token short girl.
  5. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    We are going to have to form a. "Tall Ladies Club!" I am just barely shy of 6' tall. Add to that the fact that I carry a gun for a living, can out shoot most of the men (firearms instructor,) and that I hyphenate my last name...and it seems I'm every mans nightmare.
  6. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I am right there with you, Diva, I had no idea. All I have ever thought about was that Canada is north of our northern border, there are mountains, forests, rivers, and such between us an Alaska. Like the setting for My Side of the Mountain or Hatchet.
  7. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I hear ya' on the summer highs, but this is barely MAY!
  8. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Do I understand you to say that the outside temperature where you live, in Canada, is 103F?!!? Is that common? ETAsk - What is the purpose of the animal crate on the corner of the ram pasture?
  9. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I also enjoy the ACD stories. Vastly different from my LGD (Anatolian/Gr.Pyrenees/Akbash crosses) whose sole purposes in life are to guard our animals from predators, play, sleep (with one eye open) and to eat a little, in that order. They appear the laziest, most worthless dogs on the planet...
  10. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    My question, as well. How much of that is instinct and how much is training? I have a 12lb Jack Russel/Dachshund cross that has learned that when I say, "Go ON!" she is allowed to 'help' send the offender on it's way. She has never chased any bird or goat before, but now is eager to 'help'...
  11. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I wouldn't hurt to print and frame the white lace-less one for you and Rick to enjoy........
  12. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Oh, Tara! How wonderful! I have tears in my eyes, I'm so happy for you. I know your heart is swelling with pride for your two girls, mine is and I have never even given them the first ear rub. A hearty and heart-felt CONGRATULATIONS to you all - Em, Lace, you, Rick, the boy, and even the...
  13. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Her Hooman was getting in some obedience training and crowd exposure for the pup. She plans to show her when she is a bit older.
  14. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I went to a poultry show this weekend and, Tara, guess what I saw....
  15. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    I love home grown veggies, My family doesn't. I love to garden, but I love my chickens, too. My family doesn't. With a full time job and a full time hobby, and a house to keep, and three teenagers to tend, there is little time for gardening only to feed myself. I miss my garden, but I usually...
  16. Wisher1000

    Jest Another Day in Pear-A-Dice - Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm in Alberta

    Tara, does the breeder of your two pups keep up with them on this thread or do you send the pics to her through email or some other channel?
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