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  1. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    It’s so sad when we lose a beloved pet :( I’m sorry she’s fading. Your hens are lucky to live such long, loved, lives. This is what’s left of my poor Clara’s comb after last week. She lost even more than I originally thought. At least now maybe they’ll pick on her less, they were always...
  2. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I watched your video on FB the other day and realized it’s been a while since I’ve been in here again. Sorry you’re dealing with injured chickens. My poor leghorn Clara got her comb torn up today. Her big floppy comb is missing big chunks and I found the poor thing just sitting there with a...
  3. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    We don’t make eggs for everyone very often. When I do I use 2 dozen, but that’s like once every couple weeks. I rarely cook breakfast for the kids, they eat cereal (I’m not a morning person lol). I eat 2 eggs every morning and most days that’s all the eggs I use. So when I’ve got 3-4 dozen extra...
  4. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I’m just laughing at your son’s ex’s boxes getting returned. Serves her right! And it’s awesome that he’s doing so well getting himself back in shape. My hens are finally starting to lay again, and now I’m getting more eggs than we need. I think 8 of the 12 are laying. My kids will be excited...
  5. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    How is Georgie doing today?
  6. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Oh that’s too funny. :lol: A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! The holidays get so busy here it’s been a blur. But the kids are back in school now so I have time to clean and get life back on track. I get in the winter slump too. Cold and grey and gloomy weather gets me...
  7. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I rarely wear makeup. All my makeup fits in one ziplock sandwich baggie. And none of it is expensive stuff lol. Any I time I do put it on I feel like a clown because I’m not used to it.
  8. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Happy Anniversary!!! Hopefully all the paperwork is done right and the judge will sign it off.
  9. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I stalk your son’s ex on FB occasionally lol, yeah that guy is just blech, plus the fact she’s over twice his age is just creepy. Love seeing everyone’s beautiful chickens. Mine are still molting and not looking their best. And none are laying now. I had to buy eggs for the first time since...
  10. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    So glad your son was able to get insurance through work, what a relief for him. Wow, your older girls are showing off! Of my 10 layers I’m now getting just 1 egg every other day. Dang molts and cold weather.
  11. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    How scary for your son. Definitely see if he can get on Cobra, if applied for within a certain time it will be retroactive to when his insurance ended. It’s expensive, but probably a lot cheaper than the ER and needed treatment. And I’m sorry Emily isn’t doing well. I do love hearing of the...
  12. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Lol yeah, I’ve seen plenty of gross stuff from my kids. And I actually loved doing dissections in science classes. She’s still acting ok, and has always laid eggs fine. The vet said it looked like maybe she got an injury that caused inflammation or something. I’ll probably never know unless...
  13. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Ew that is gross lol, I’m not sure I could do a necropsy on one of mine. Plus not knowing what I’d be looking at lol. But if she doesnt recover I may cut open that cyst. I thought at first it was an abcess but I lanced it to try to drain any infection but nothing came out. The vet said he...
  14. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    I love your quilts. If I could afford it all our beds would have beautiful handmade quilts. I still adore the one I got for my daughter from you. I’ve got a chicken quarantined in my bathtub again. :rolleyes: She’s got a golf ball sized cyst or abcess or tumor or something on her underside a...
  15. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Half of my hens are molting right now too, at least 5-6. Of my 10 layers I’m only getting 1-2 eggs a day. My son said it looked like a chicken exploded in the coop because of all the feathers lol.
  16. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Maybe she realized that she was landing somewhere further away from her guy than she thought and had to get a new ticket to fly in nearer.
  17. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    So hard to believe she would jump into things without digging more, especially when it’s so easy to find info on anyone these days. But some people just don’t think. I have an older relative who is one of those people who gets caught in scams by people claiming to love her online. She almost got...
  18. kitkat5505

    The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

    Hello there! I’ve been away for a while, I think it’s been about 2 months since I last posted. Life is always just busy busy. I’m glad it worked out that the dog will be staying with your son! Hopefully the rest of her leaving will go smoothly and she’ll be out of his hair for good. The...
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