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  1. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    well my goats are for pets and to keep the vegetation down around the property so there wont be any goat anything in my house! i just cant imagine eating my hooved children!! lol
  2. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    lol thats what i was thinking! although people were i live talk about goat stew to often for my own comfort...
  3. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    are you planning to eat them? i have nigerian dwarves and they are the sweetest things almost like a dog!
  4. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    thanks! they really live up to thier names! little dudes with BIG personality lol they are Great!
  5. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    finally i got my second goat today! yay!! this is Napoleon he is my nigerian dwarf bottle baby he is alittle over 2 months and this is his brother britus who will be renamed alexander! as we are going for a little men in big history theme! lol they are so happy to be together again and we...
  6. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    OH MY GOSH! what a cutie!!
  7. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    at lizard and chicks i can see what you mean! thankfully and unfortunatly i have no beautiful floring plants other then my gardens which are blocked off anyways for fear of free ranging chickens! those are beautiful by the way!
  8. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    lol my goat does the opposite hes ok as long as he can see me but if i lock him in his pen and walk away OH MAN he starts crying and he keeps going for like 20 minutes. usually i ket him graze my yard all day but when 8:30 comes around time for bed and he doesnt like his bed time lol
  9. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    i say ignore the little butt lol he is probably so used to being with his parent who is now you! that he isnt caring about the goat friend so much. im by no means an expert im new to goats only have my one little bottle baby about a month now... please share if you find something that works for you!
  10. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    how cute! glad you could find him a buddy and they are getting along so well!!
  11. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    @Potagergirl so glad deliah is doing better! Hope all continues well with her! Im also new with having goats ive had litte Napoleon about 2 weeks now. He is a nigerian dwarf bottle baby and we had up and downs with his bowels the first week so i know the stress of not knowing but then learning...
  12. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    @Potagergirl what an AMAZING setup!!
  13. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    My goat and baby chicks get along fine however they do make his water extremly dirty fast and poop on his hay... and you definetly dont want your goat eating chicken feed. But if its a temporary setup ( ocasionally i will put my chicks in with my goat in his pen without chick feed, they do...
  14. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    From my understanding they both have to be oils because they both protect from diffrent bugs eucalyptus keeps away mosquitos lemon keeps away ticks etc..
  15. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    Lemon and eucalyptus is a natural bug repellent i use it on my kids works miracles!i wouldnt see a problem with using it because you can eat it and it wont hurt you...wont taste good but wont hurt lol! Not sure if they will sell it where you are i can never find it locally but try health store...
  16. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    What a cutie! Gosh arent they just so adorable!? Napoleon and his dog buddies
  17. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    I can see your point ^ my little Napoleon doesnt seem to realize the girl dogs he runs around with dont have hooves maybe he is still too young? But anyways his brother will be joining is in a month for his company just waiting for him to be weaned.
  18. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    Have you had any problems with having only one goat? I just got a nigerian dwarf hes about a month old and hes a bottle baby im going to be getting his brother once he is weaned but everyone keeps telling me how horrible i am for only having one goat
  19. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    How adorablbe!!! I love the blue eyes!
  20. MakelaNJoe

    Lets talk about goats!

    Ok is it normal for a 4 week old not to drink water on his own yet? That was my main concern i havent yet seen him drink water just his bottles! I have plenty of water spots buckets dog bowls even a mini kid pool all that i fill daily with fresh water but havent seen him go near yet.
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