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  1. VA Raptor


    How did your hatch go? BTW, I've been mostly hands off with the pair I got from you, giving them time to adjust. Even so, the pullet hopped up in my lap the other day. I may cull a few more birds from the general flock starting this week. I don't remember much about cattle, but she does look...
  2. VA Raptor


    Just saw this. How's your fence coming along? Has your cow arrived? Would love to see pics. Going a little crazy here trying to get the electric fence up, getting the Christmas geese out of the basement, and my Marans hatching her army of minions.
  3. VA Raptor


    Good plan! At least you're in good company. I just made a rule that I am not to bring another bird here unless it's a Bielefelder, Cubalaya, Muscovy, or intended as food. So what are you picking up?
  4. VA Raptor


    Did you find a dress? When I was a kid, my mom found deals on one or two of my formal dresses at the thrift store. Just a thought if you haven't found something.
  5. VA Raptor


    Where does one find sawmill lumber? Is it the same as rough cut lumber? My stash of free pallets and wood is running low! I love air tools! My wrists are shot, so hubby gave me a compressor and tools last Christmas
  6. VA Raptor


    I have to admire your self-control. I'm 15 minutes from them and I'm having a hard time staying away!! (If they get in Brown Leghorns this week, I'm in big trouble!) Noticed you're from Varina. When we moved back to the area, I wanted to live in Varina, but the East End has changed a lot in 10...
  7. VA Raptor


    I'm actively trying to avoid them. I KNOW if I go in there I'll come home with a fuzzy butt or two. Which means I'll also be sleeping in the dog house!! Good to know their chicks are healthy though.
  8. VA Raptor


    A trellis? We can make them for the berries (according to Wikipedia Muscadines and Scuppernongs are different terms for the same fruit), but I bet those selfish birds will think I built fruit vine perches just for them. I'm starting to regret having given them blueberries and yogurt as chicks. :(
  9. VA Raptor


    I think I know the answer, but am going to ask a dumb question - will chickens eat muscadine/scuppernong fruit? If so, and I suspect the answer is "yes", I need to figure out how to protect the vines.
  10. VA Raptor


    How do those other layers compare to the Leghorn and/or Andalusian. Any that are less flighty with humans, but still have enough sense to free-range? We're a ways south of you, so I don't mind large combs (seem fine so far).
  11. VA Raptor


    I saw where you could order from TSC, but they had a minimum order of 25. No way, lol! I started out with 26 chicks in September, added a mature pair and 2 more chicks in October - that was a nightmare. As for white layers, I love the Brown Leghorn's camo. They'll need it here in hawk central...
  12. VA Raptor


    Our local TSC has chicks, but they only have Cornish X. I'm holding out for Brown Leghorn's from our local feed store. Hopefully, I can pick up some Cornish X at the same time. Only problem is I'll need space for the waterfowl coming in April. ....And a test hatch (so far every egg has been...
  13. VA Raptor


    Thanks! I'm amazed that my pullets are already laying well. The pinkish ones were laid by a Salmon Faverolle and an Australorp. I just need some white layers :)
  14. VA Raptor


    Stupid snow! I have to fix the bird netting over the chicken fortress before they can come out. Apparently raptors love swamps, and as much as I LOVE raptors, they can't have my birds!! My father found a source of nice pallets at work. I want to use it to build goat/mower barns, but a brooder...
  15. VA Raptor


    I am jealous of you ChickenButt! @canesisters - tell me about it. Ugh!
  16. VA Raptor


    How has everyone been with the crazy weather? Looks like we might be seeing Spring-like weather next week!
  17. VA Raptor


    Hello neighbor!
  18. VA Raptor


    My run is uncovered - should I let the chickens out? They were cooped up with a heat lamp yesterday, and now my favorite Ameraucana, Rocket, is missing half her muff. :( If I let them out, I have to leave the coop's [people] door open. Should've cut a small pop door when the weather was good.
  19. VA Raptor


    Sorry to hear about your bunny
  20. VA Raptor


    By "free-range tax" I mean having a chicken killed by hawk/fox/dog/etc. as a result of free ranging.
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