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  1. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @Kraftcrazychick We also have a really nasty beetle that comes at Christmas and chews all the roses and anything else that looks tasty. Everyone here says you have to weather the storm as it were, but I spray a mixture of washing up liquid, olive oil ('cos its thicker) and crushed garlic...
  2. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @Arielle Sprayed the psorinnum on the hay in the nesting boxes over the weekend and left - cleaned this mornng and found ticks so either the stuff works or they were in the hay. Doc says I can spray directly on chooks so going to have a go tomorrow as weather a bit warmer now and see if any...
  3. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    You can never have too much information - thank you - Lymes sounds awful we have tick bite fever and that's pretty ghastly. The cats can have ticks they don't get sick like dogs but still the problem is they drop them everywhere and then they find a new host, normally me as they sleep on my...
  4. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    No I don't seem to be bothered with anything, but we do have lots of ticks do you think I should check chooks for ticks? and can they give them tick bite fever? I have had a few sessions with my dogs and they get really sick - even with the frontline stuff. Can you put tick stuff on chickens?
  5. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Peppers are something that grow like weeds where we are.. I have orange, yellow and red and the chooks love them. Also planted chillies (really hot ones) and Henry my roo, took a bite and looked at me as if to say 'OMG these are really hot and soo good, come on girls) 'Consequently I don't...
  6. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Plant very definitely INDIGO poisonous to mammals
  7. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    looks like wild indigo we have very similar but blue
  8. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    It sounds like you all are having a wonderful growing session I am green with envy, pardon the At the moment my front garden looks like its been hit by a giant snowball invasion everything is covered in frost bags. But I do have a lily that doesn't realise its winter...
  9. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    That's a lot of trees, quite a market garden going on there - hope you sell the excess fruit - and make lots of bucks. Roses are very picky the soil has to be just right, I also have a wild rose which have managed to train over a fence it is amazing when it flowers, like you say it goes nuts...
  10. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I with dan26552 you must not be chicken and have a go at grafting. If at first you don't succeed try again!!! it is quite fun creating new species. I grafted my orange onto one of my lemon trees, have to admit didn't do much to the flesh, but the skin was absolutely delicious. Made the most...
  11. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

  12. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    really they fly, nasty looking munchers - never seen anything like it - I would get rid of it pronto especially if its laying any bug can lay a 1000 eggs plus or minus
  13. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh cool they look like small 'hubbard' squash that we get here really tasty roasted with the 'said tomatoes' and onions
  14. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Wow, thats a compliment thank you - can't say I know a lot, just have lots of fruit trees they seem to like our soil - plus have lots of roses. Can't for the life of me get my avo tree to produce - its healthy and been 'wasting space' for five years now. I know they take long to produce and...
  15. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    can I just ask you guys what is Acorn squash - I thought we had every type here but never heard of it...
  16. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh well thats' a problem, perhaps try and cut the tree right down to get some new growth and then graft - but Im sure you know that. Sounds like you know what you are doing so Im sure you will be successful. Actually cherry trees are the best they make beautiful flowers and attract all sorts...
  17. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Looks to me like a catapillar of some sort. They normally don't go on fruit trees unless you have an infestation of some bug which they can eat - but your tree looks very healthy - maybe they just dropped by for a little time out...
  18. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh I put my foot in it again - sorry - did not mean to disrespect your abilities,but still buy a new tree
  19. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Hellno, buy a new tree,too much PT. graftng is an art. I have done it trust me not an easy solution.
  20. whoop whoop

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Well it sounds like you guys have it all under control, and after all I'm in Africa so what do I know!!!. Still think its mould but can't quite see - maybe it was bad to start with - as I say again what do I know???/ sorry
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