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  1. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    So you are thinking of harvesting the tubers & the slips for the next crop at the same time? I'm thinking the quality of the tubers would suffer but I don't know for sure. When I start my slips the potatoes aren't editable afterwards. Let us know how that works out for you.
  2. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Sorry to hear that. The greens are good to eat also. Funny how that works sometimes. Sweet Potatoes are one of my most dependable crops. I couldn't grow a cucumber to save my life this year & I generally have pretty good luck. Go figure! Sweets take a lot of heat & a long season although...
  3. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Top - Updated pic of winter garden. Bok Choy already going to flower. Center & lower - Fava Beans starting to sprout, to be harvested early spring. Does anyone grow hardy kiwi? I have a 4' wide by 7' tall arbor that I was thinking about putting one on either side but I'm thinking it may not...
  4. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    They'll flower & start to die back a bit. They apparently don't need to flower much though. Should take about 100 to 120 days
  5. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Ha! Trying to figure out the multi quotes I posted this with no comments. Thanks! The next guy will probably put in a pool here & we'll still be in a drought. My Pluots did well, as did my Apricots & figs. Asian pear & cherries not so much. Quote:
  6. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Spring/summer garden winding down. Fall/winter garden coming into production. Harvest of sweet potato & butternut squash. Gonna miss them sweet potato greens. Kinda hate seeing the gardens come & go anymore, guess of reminds me of how rapidly the years pass by.
  7. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I generally tuck my flats up tight against my western fence and or throw a pvc frame over covered with shade cloth. Only getting morning sun is usually sufficient!!
  8. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Did this many years ago with the kids as young'uns. They were none to interested at the time but the seeds sprouted as they both garden as they are able!
  9. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Thanks! Nice looking bed! Yeah, I'm aware of the of the sand trick as well as the others except for the carpet, of which I have none available to me. Perhaps an old beach towel would serve. I seldom plant carrots. I use some of these planting cover crops. The transplants allow me to wait...
  10. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Over they long haul they probably are! I start almost everything other than beans. I despise thinning & do very poorly direct seeding fine seeds. I can get 50 of those mini blocks in 1/2 a cut down milk carton, which fits perfectly in my window sills. I often just plant the mini blocks. I...
  11. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I've used them for 6 or 7 years I guess. I like em, besides I spent the money so I gotta use em. I seldom use the mini blocker, mostly in the spring. The 2" blocks I use all the time.
  12. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    You had said they looked like your starts so I though you had used a soil blocker, since I did. A soil blocker is a device use to compress damp soil to plant seeds in. No pot, just soil. The 2" & mini blocker are pretty cool, the 4" is way too pricey.
  13. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I was suggesting that maybe they were your starts. Do you use a soil blocker?
  14. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I've been very slow to start my spring summer gardens the past few years cause I've been expecting harsher watering restrictions. Have you checked to make sure they are still there?
  15. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Fall Garden, several varieties of Kale & mustard, beets, turnip & bok choy. Cabbage, daikon, arugula & garlic have yet to be planted.
  16. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I have several galvanized cans. Saw this thought it good info
  17. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I would imagine the timing would vary from region to region. I generally plant a vining summer squash in July or August that comes into production just as my Zucchini are beginning to have a problem. I find that if I plant pigeon peas later they are less likely to be bothered by aphids.
  18. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Tomato suckers root pretty easily. You should be able to salvage some. Spare the pup....this time!
  19. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I am actually pretty technologically handicapped but I guess I have learned a few things. Glad to help!
  20. marktoo

    BYC gardening thread!!
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