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  1. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I thought our 110 was bad.
  2. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    anybody know whats going on with my tomato plants? The leaves are getting brown spots on them. better shots
  3. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Thanks, I've never heard of those, and they do look like hibiscus. I'll have to see if the local nursery carries those. Our tropical look is definitely missing the flowers. When they were both blooming they looked awesome. Here is a shot of before they took off. They are in the corners of the...
  4. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    we lost both of our hibiscus trees over the winter
  5. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    How are the people who are doing herbs getting them from how they look in the garden, to how they look in the little bottles in the stores? In other words, how do you process them so they can be used. We've never done herbs before.
  6. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    The 3rd year was the magic year for mine. This being the 3rd year, we have already picked four, and there are 9 more on it in various stages. My plant looks different than many of the other artichoke plants I've seen, and your looks totally different than any I've ever seen. Are you sure its...
  7. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    pjangles, amazing setup and great pictures. as far as ^^^^ , I am currently doing the same. My plan is to have my first hive by this time next year. I've been lurking in the beekeeping thread in the diy/self sufficiency sub forum. There are some very informative links in it, including...
  8. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I've already cut that one off (it's getting eaten tonight). There are 3 more growing on it now. I may let one flower, but these are mainly going to be eaten. Here is a pic of my buddies plant from last year after it flowered. If you look closely, you can see there are actually bees in it...
  9. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Thanks everyone. I'm excited to see how this year goes. I know last year was very disappointing for tomatoes. It was our first time trying heirlooms. We're not going to try those anymore. MotherCluckinMe, this is our almost 3rd year with the artichoke. We transplanted them the first year...
  10. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    My old garden is now mostly an herb garden, but the artichoke is finally taking off so it got to stay.
  11. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    and it's finally finished. overhead view I can't wait to see how it does.
  12. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm putting 5 raised beds in now, and I did this also.
  13. chickenstricken

    BYC gardening thread!!

    2 years ago I built our first successful garden. I went away from the ground level failures we had in the past, and went raised bed. Well, it exploded. It's 16' x 4' and it's not big enough. Here it is............................ Last years looked similar , but we didn't plant as much...
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