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  1. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Dan26552, Daffodils were some of my moms favorites. Before I sold her place, we all dug up as many flowers and bushes as we could. The daffodils I dug up & replanted did not make it. I will bet they are pretty when they bloom at your place, so thick.
  2. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh, that one is thick. I just thinned one patch of mine and spread around chicken pen. So it will bloom white next year. All my bulbs are planted 3 yrs or less. Am going to use all over my new place.
  3. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Good morning/day to all. Back to garden. Am beating off weeds and squash bugs now. But had to post garden update & some flowers.
  4. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Lol. Am still learning how to post. Sorry. Thank you 4 sharing flower pics. Post one when it blooms.
  5. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Gladiolas...I have started planting those last year. Send us pic when it blooms. Thanks for sharing flower pics!!!
  6. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Never heard of lovage or borage. Am obviously a novice gardener. Got lots of reading back on thread to do. :)
  7. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Well, I gave an ovation for post but it is not showing up. Says ovation added. Not sure. Tried 3 or 4 times. So may have multiple ovates from me on this post.:D I am highley allergic to poison ivy. I would be very interested if potion works. Once you get bees wax, keep us posted.
  8. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @dan26552 Wonder if you could take a clone cutting after fruit season? :D
  9. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Wow, that puts off a beautiful flower. I am in on next bunch of seeds. :D
  10. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Very nice petunia! Gotta love it when wild flowers come up. And the pineapple guava is really cool!!! Never heard of it. Goggling to see. I am sooo wanting a green house to grow fruit producing trees like oranges, avacado, lemon. And a pineapple guava tree would be really cool. Your little...
  11. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Marigolds are a natural pesticide. But I think they make the corn rows pretty. There is a short thread about marigolds on site. Very educational and interesting. At end of corn season, marigolds bloom till frost. Also, you can pull the marigolds at end of season and feed to chickens. Helps...
  12. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    That is good to know. We share amongst a small group that gardens, the church and can mostly. My sister freezes a lot of her goods. But she has ample room to do so.
  13. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I have not yet tried corn. But after some reading on this site, I have the courage to do so, next year. Read a piece about planting rows two weeks apart with marigolds. I am all over that next year. Glad yours is up! :yiipchick
  14. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I have not ever tried cantalope. This will be my first time. Planted a pkg of seeds and have 3 up. Going to plant another pkg if more do not come up in next couple of days. Had brother push up pile of sand into large mound. As soon as it dries out, going to rake and form mound for planting...
  15. Wendy High

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Joining in on the gardening. It is one of my favorite hobbies. Still lack 2 rows planting. But all seems to be doing good. Cucumbers, squash, cauliflower, yellow & purple onions, sweet snap peas, celebrity tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, okra, green beans, pinto beans, jalepeno peppers, bell...
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