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  1. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    We plant it in a mound, which is the best way if you don't have the space for a whole field of it. I'm not the one with a green thumb, but I can probably tell you how to do it in as much detail as I can.
  2. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    We have corn, beans, and zucchini all planted into a mound of dirt. The corn is in the middle, and there are two sprouts on the left and right side of it. That is either beans or zucchini. Each have a seed stuck to a leaf.
  3. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    This nasty weed pushed the seed up! Should we pull the weed and replant the seed?
  4. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Mmm... I love Swiss Chard... but it takes a long time to come up...
  5. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Man, that's one huge root! Our berry bushes seem to attract roots...
  6. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Hey, everybody! I just realized I haven't been on this thread for a long time! Our carrots are starting to come up. I see their little top-hats! No pics yet, but I'll definitely get some! I've been wrapped up in 4-H lately... and horseback-riding lessons. BTW, yes I used to be snugbug54.
  7. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm not so sure because the green house was on our property when they bought it. I'm sure you can Google it. There probably somewhere in the thousands...
  8. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    We have a small greenhouse at the edge of our property. It is used to quarantine sick chickens. We used to grow stuff in it, but we don't any more.
  9. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    You plant herbs? We do to! A whole bunch of them...
  10. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    We're going to try peaches and plums this year to! They won't bloom this year, though.
  11. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    MKK, I thought you only had chickens and a rabbit? Why do you have a lot of pictures of goats? Just interested, I know this thread isn't the best place for it...
  12. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Organic soil (of course ), organic & all-natural pesticides (of course ), compost, chicken and pig poop (). As you can see, my mom is an organic and all-natural freak!
  13. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Yes! Oops, I forgot to add that to the list... they grow well in our area.
  14. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Their blooming right now, I'll definitely get some pics tomorrow! (it's dark out now)
  15. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Do you use raise beds or just regular rows? We use a mix.
  16. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh, green beans and pear trees too. I just love fresh veggies and fruit! We do it all organic, too.
  17. TheCrazyClucker

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Hi! I've been helping my parents garden before I could walk. A whole half-acre of our property is a garden. We grow: - broccoli - spinach - green, yellow, and red peppers - carrots - cucumbers - lettuce - butternut squash - peas - cantaloupes - watermelons - corn (rainbow and regular corn) -...
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