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  1. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Well, I can finally see the ground, so I'm starting to lay compost and redo the drip system and start seeds. Finally. And my bee hives are flying today.
  2. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Theoretically, I should have planted potatoes this week. But it's SNOWING. Again.
  3. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I do rows, like a regular farm, but the weeds are....problematic. And like a farm, I cannot be out there weeding all the time. It's cardboard or plastic, and cardboard seems a little more holistic, kwim. I'm moving to a no-till, but that means I need to kill what is out there so I don't have...
  4. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    LOL, I only see bare ground because of the piggies, clearing and digging (and escaping....UGH). Although our snow finally disappeared, just in time to get more this week. I had a similar incident out there in the garden, only it was mud. The pig pen was a human's knee deep in mud, so I wanted...
  5. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Um. Yes. I will admit to doing the same. But hey, I learned from it :lau With any luck, we won't need the system, like last year, except for a dry few weeks in the height of summer. I was hoping to get to lay it all out next week and just lift it up to lay the cardboard under, but the several...
  6. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Between the feed sacks and cardboard boxes I have been collecting from local stores (and our garage, as I unpack boxes from when we moved, um, 18 mi ths ago) I should have enough stuff to layer that huge garden and prevent weeds by February or March, just in time to start kale, lettuces, and the...
  7. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Exactly. And easy to cut if you need to...we ended up cutting one down a bit to make a hoop hog house on an emergency basis. We cut it with a hacksaw because I can't find the bolt cutters. When I don't need the hog house, I can reuse it in the garden again. I love them. I watch CL for people...
  8. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm thinking of using cattle panels for a lot of things this year, just so I don't have to bend over, lol.
  9. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    That will probably happen here later this year. $40 gets you a 400 lb bale. $55 gets me a 700 lb bale. $65 would get me an 800 lb bale, but I'd have to drive an hour each way. My two hay guys are 40 minutes away, one west and one north. I'm planning to keep the horses off the pastures until...
  10. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Here too. And hay, if you don't get alfalfa, is full of grass seeds! Unfortunately, alfalfa starts at $7/40 lb square bale here IF you can find it. Hay costs me $40-55/round bale. I go through 4 a month feeding the critters. Sigh. Straw is $30-40/round bale.
  11. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I try very hard to order non-GMO seeds, but I knew my corn would be contaminated...two farms within a mile raise nothing but GMO corn. As a result, I'm not bothering with corn again. I did recently learn the exact definition of heirloom. An heirloom is a seed of a plant that has been around for...
  12. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Me too. I study them like textbooks, lol. I love reading and writing notes and making list after list. I order online once I've finalized everything, not via snail mail, though. I got the Whole Seed Catalog, and, yesterday, the Seed Savers Exchange catalog came too! Yay! I'm expecting several...
  13. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I love that pumpkin. What are you going to do with it? I have one sitting on my table, purchased as decor, but I haven't decided what to do with it. Going to save seeds from it though ;) Trying to convince hubby I need an Earthway seeded for Christmas, lol.
  14. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Exactly. I'm getting the seeds out of storage, making a list and seeing what I need to order...ahem...want to order.
  15. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I think I need to double my garden to raise everything I want....LOL There are so many neat or new seeds I want to try!
  16. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Guess what I'm currently reading.... Baker Creek's Whole Seed Catalog is out. Time to start planning!!
  17. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

  18. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    This looks cool. Wonder how much $$$ to build and if the anchoring system they use would actually stay in my soil. If I built something like this, I'd take the plastic off and use it year around...
  19. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    It might have been Coleman. I had spotted an article in Mother Earth News, and the method seems very simple and very inexpensive. And quite impressive for what he gets out of his low tunnels all winter. If I hurried, I could get one going and get greens started, which would likely be able to...
  20. SunnySkies

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I miss my garden. I had to go to the store the other day, and I hate buying produce. It doesn't taste right. Thinking of getting some PVC electrical conduit and making a low tunnel. I could grow some greens and broc and stuff like that...maybe...I read about a guy in Maine who does this in...
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