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  1. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I like it in moderation on some dishes, but it can easily overpower stuff... For me it's a necessity in fresh salsa or Pico de gallo type dishes... That said for the amount I use it's not practical to grow when I can get a bunch for 49 cents when needed... That said my chickens love it, I...
  2. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Google 'tree algae, moss and lichens' and read away...
  3. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Llama and goat beans mixed into the top 3" of the soil at planting time, last all season...
  4. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I feel the pain, we have been having some real nice 60° days for the last few weeks, today it's in the 30s°, woke up today to about 1/2" - 1" of snow covering everything it looked like winter again, as soon as the sun came out poof all the white was gone, now we are getting blizzard like frozen...
  5. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Nice and depressing at the same time as I'm still waiting for winter to release it's grasp so I can get going on the outdoor stuff... I purchased all the stuff to make some vertical strawberry towers a few years ago, never go around to actually doing it, so I might have to spend the next few...
  6. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Not any different besides the fact the small outdoor ponds are generally deeper but even so they are solar ovens and need to be buried in the ground (to act as a heat sink) put in the shade and have moving water and filters or else they will boil and kill the fish as well... It's recommend that...
  7. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    If it's wet and get sun light algae will grow, not much you can do about that... For standing water you can use mosquito dunks, they are not a pesticide or chemical they are a slow release bacteria (and they are organic) that kills mosquito larvae and a very small number other larvae staged...
  8. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    That 'air pruning' is basically exactly how my container garden works...
  9. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I planted two blueberry plants late last year that I picked up on end of season clearance, I was hoping to get something in the coming years but the dog had other plans for at least one of the plants so far... Went out there last week and it was broken off at ground level.. Chances are it...
  10. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm still watching my local 10 day forecast, they are still predicting some random nighttime lows of 33 °and 34° that is good enough for me to turn off the heaters in the livestock watering tanks for now but not warm enough for me to risk planting anything that will get nipped by frost... We...
  11. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Harden them to the weather slowly over a period of several days to a week, start with exposure for an hour or two and increase a few hours each day...
  12. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    In Northern Illinois the robins returned early last month, while several other breeds have all the sudden swarmed by feeders over the last week or so including red winged blackbirds and cowbirds in mass, and our resident sandhill crane pair just returned... Read an article this week that said...
  13. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    To my surprise only 24 hours later and small leaves/shoots are visibly starting to emerge from the center of the celery stump...
  14. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I just started a celery 'stump' today,the grocery store we were shopping at yesterday had organic celery for 99 cents and they are big bunches, finally ended my celery strike as the current $2.50 and $3.00 small bunches that have been the norm as of late in my area were just too rich for me...
  15. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I can relate to disabling pain, especially when bending down... I have a herniated disc in my lower back and when it gets irritated and inflamed will cause sever sciatic nerve pain, it can get to the point that I'm mostly bed ridden until it relaxes and that can happen from simply bending or...
  16. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I have planted celery seeds repeatably over the last 2 years and I can't get it to grow for anything... I'm going to try and plant some started 'stumps' this year and see what happens...
  17. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    As long as they don't dry out for an extended period of time they should be fine, the ones sold bare root in bags at big box stores have something like a 2 year guarantee to grow, and they are in bags sitting on store shelves for who knows how long... Check with some local ethnic grocery...
  18. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Pretty much the same price as other starter mixes, the stuff I'm using this year is Burpee brand Organic starter, since it keeps going on sale at Menards... You can also get it...
  19. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Give coco coir a try, years ago I did a side by side, not on purpose, I just happened to run out out and switched bags of starter mix half way through filling one 72 cell starter tray... The germination rate was night and day between the coco and peat and I never went back to peat... Maybe it...
  20. MeepBeep

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Try using a coco coir based starter mix, as coco coir is naturally rot resistant and drains well... Coco coir bases starter mixes are the only ones I use now, gave up on peat bases mixes for starting years ago as I have found coco to be far superior and produce better starters...
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