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  1. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    With that technique you essentially negate any size to your original plant. All you have is a developed root system. It now will either send new shoots from the root system or new growth will show in the "crotch" where a leaf branch\node meets the stem, i.e. suckers. Any advantage in time would...
  2. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    New growth from a leaf node is a sucker no? I always thought topping like that caused lateral branching which isn't the same as new growth. Within 1-2 weeks any indeterminate should have sizable suckers that could be rooted. At least in my experience. What's the recovery time for the original...
  3. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I assume the new growth from the original plants comes in the form of suckers or new shoots at the soil level? Why not just root suckers? Suckers are new growth tips/stems anyway and it wont affect the original plant, no delay either. Suckers can also be rooted in plain water and then hardened...
  4. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Good stuff, as you should. It shouldnt be about the harvest, while always nice, but about the process, time, and effort it takes to get there. It makes anything you grow, that much better tasting.
  5. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Peppers are taking off now, beans are doing well, sunflowers are getting huge!
  6. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

  7. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I agree with jerryse. Tomatoes are in fact self-polinating. A breeze, shaking the stems, electric toothbrush, all suffcient in aiding in pollination. Most flowers are pollinated before the cone on it actually opens. With that being said, natural crosses do happen but are very seldom IMO. At...
  8. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    You need drop lines and to prune to single stem if you are growing in a green house. It would save a ton of room and be much easier to manage. Determinant varities hardly compare to inditerminates as far as produciton or taste IMO. The only determinates I grow are sauce/paste type tomatoes.
  9. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I concur. 6 should be the minimum, mine get about 8-10. I deal with some sunscald on the hottest of days, but have no problem with plant development and fruit ripening. Leggy plants are almost always caused by not enough light, the plants are literally stretching for it.
  10. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Certainly possible, I wouldnt bother though. They are in flowering mode, why negate that? Cutting and replanting will delay them by a few weeks for sure. Not all of the blossoms will set anyways, and if its hot where you are, it will be even less. Blossoms dont set in hot temperatures. I'd find...
  11. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Not to soon at all, ideal actually. The thing to remember is not to much at once when they are that small. A few branches at a time, let the plant recover, and then a few more as necesaary. The bigger the branch removed the more chance of shock, so starting the pruning young helps. Upkeep is...
  12. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Thank you. :D Some were grown single stem (1st two pictures) everything else was unpruned minus the bottom 6-8 inches . I like to remove all of the bottom branches and leaves to help prevent soil born diseases splashing onto the plants, and increase air flow. I will occasionally prune some...
  13. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Thank you! California has some phenomenal growing weather. I was going to comment on your question/picture with the purplish leaves. Most likely a reaction to the cold, or a possible nutrient deficiency. Plant looked young still so I would venture it's just reacting to the nightime temps. Some...
  14. MeatTheFlockers

    BYC gardening thread!!

    A few shots from my garden this season.
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