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  1. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I only had about an inch or so of green growth at the top and then it disappeared. I guess I should dig it out and take a look. This is my first year planting garlic so it's all new. The onions have not produced flower but the stalks are so tall that falling over and breaking. They are very...
  2. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I am patiently waiting for my tomatoes to ripen. I have clusters of cherry to grape sized tomatoes growing on several of my plants. So far it looks like one is mutant-like and large. More like a Roma size. I swear these were supposed to be grape tomatoes.... The stupid beetles are still...
  3. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Tonight I went out and cut some suckers off the tomatoes and buried some chopped banana peels by them. Supposedly that will help with the potassium? The internet said it, so it must be true. I do have a few tiny tomatoes on the largest plant. I also took a bin of soapy water and dropped some...
  4. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    My super tall green bean plant is under attack! Some nasty glassy green beetles(?) are destroying the leaves. What is the best way to stop them?
  5. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm in zone 5 and in a very clay rich soil. I bought soil this year and mixed in garden soil so this is a new 'batch' of soil. Last year I planted right in the ground mixed with garden soil and had a handful of cherry tomatoes from a started plant. I'm not sure how it could be much different...
  6. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I'm getting a little concerned with my garden. It's not super exciting and amazing yet. I trimmed my tomatoes up but I'm still not seeing any fruit any only minimal flowering. These were the tomatoes I started indoors so I thought I would have a leg up on them. Oddly, the ones I gave to a guy at...
  7. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I plan on pruning them but was waiting for the ground to dry out a little bit. I hope the drier ground will stabilize them so I can get a better look. I did that when starting my plants indoors. Still don't if it's yellow summer squash or zucchini down there. It's mystery vegetable time!! Maybe...
  8. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    How do you decide which parts to cut/trim?
  9. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I finally staked my tomatoes last night and they are a big mess! I planted the started plants next to wire fencing ( 2 x 4) openings but I guess it wasn't enough support so they twisted around on themselves. It's a weird tangled web of shoots and leaves. What can I do to manage them? It even...
  10. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    We had our first batch of strawberries from the garden yesterday. It was only about a dozen but it was still nice. My son was excited to carry them (not eat them) and my daughter loved eating them. They were a bit tart but juicy. I have no idea what kind they are since it was over 2 years ago...
  11. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I planted my garlic and onions at least 2-3 weeks ago and they are looking awesome. I'm actually surprised I never did garlic before. It's so easy. I had my daughter smell test to tell which is which as they are in the same area of the garden. I thought it was fun. The strawberries have...
  12. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I took some started pumpkins, cherry tomatoes, watermelon and green beans and planted them in the garden today. Yesterday we got dirt delivered so I could finally fill my raised beds. My plants looked very sad to go outside. I think they liked the climate controlled environment inside. We also...
  13. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @chickadoodles , my mom is my go-to gardener. She helped me get everything tamed after we first bought the house and suggested/bought most of the plants to help fill it in the first year. It was actually a little cool that I could give her something I planted. Even if it was my unruly strawberries.
  14. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Planted some onions and garlic today. I also tried to corral all my strawberry plants. Our soil is mostly clay and the first year I tried a vegetable garden nothing really did well. I bought a few tomatoes, peppers and one strawberry plant. I left it all sit at the end of the season thinking...
  15. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @hennible , That is just crazy!! I guess I can see some Home Owners Associations having an issue with not having it in the front yard for 'aesthetic' reasons (which is also stupid) but on your own private property? I think they should applaud people that don't want government handouts and want...
  16. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Well, I'm pretty sure my peppers were just way too dry. A few of them perked up after I light watering. The same happened with the early girl tomato seedlings. Looks like I will need to set them up in some new pots as those aren't holding the moisture. I will need to pick up more potting soil as...
  17. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    That is great. Some states do have deposits on bottles/cans but not the one I live in. My local waste facility does sorting on their site. Trash goes in one big heap and they sort out all the recyclables right on site. I wish more of those existed around here.
  18. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    How very opposite of us. Here plastic is cheap, readily available and thrown away without thought. The aluminum cans are thrown out as well, just not as readily. Many people who have unstable or little income gather them up and sell them to the scrap yards for cash. At work we actually do the...
  19. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    @vehve , I agree that the 2 liters are ugly. But 2 liters are pretty much free. I grab them from the trash at work along with any clamshells from cookies/pastries and use those to start my seeds. I also have a small pile of 3" pots from the dollar store and walmart. All of which are just as...
  20. K

    BYC gardening thread!!

    My 2 liters look like this without the cord-more or less.... - not my photo. I drilled a hole into the cap before planting. Do you think if I fill the bottom with water to cover the cap that the soil will draw the water up?
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