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  1. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Awesome :) We don't have any machinery either, but I have a strong boyfriend haha! We dragged a bunch of logs to the path through our back pasture so we can easily collect them in the spring. Can't wait to build them
  2. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    You should look into doing hugelkultur mounds! That is what my boyfriend and I are going to build in the spring :)
  3. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Oh and I should say I go through about 2 round bales a month with my 2 horses
  4. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I paid my neighbor $15 for my straw round bale and it was huge. My hay bales were $40 for 800 pound round bales, but I had to drive 40 minutes away to get them.That was the cheapest I found them this year; average price was $60. Last year they were asking $100 a round bale!
  5. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Do you have pictures of the tobacco? I would love to see it
  6. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Also, I think a lot of them trade live plants too, so that would be a great place to get different plants!
  7. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    As far as I know, you don;t sell anything at a swap meet, you just trade your produce for the produce that other people grow. So I don't think that is illegal.
  8. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Have you ever considered going to a swap meet? I'm sure people would go bananas over your bananas.. Ok, bad pun lol!
  9. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    So awesome :) I love the gardens in Aus, so tropical :) I have never taster a banana that was grown in a home garden. I am guess it has way more flavor than the monsters you buy in a super market. How long does a banana plant take to reach fruit bearing age? Have you read Jackie French's book on...
  10. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Lol that is why it is so cheap to live in MB :P I do my gardening vicariously through this thread in the winter lol!
  11. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Keep in mind this is Celsius we are talking about here. Wanna trade?
  12. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I wish hay was cheaper than straw! Hay is way more expensive here.
  13. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    good post :) There are a lot of hybrids on the site I buy from too. I don't think there are any GMO corn for sale where I get mine from, but only 1 type is really for eating as corn on the cob. The others are all for grinding into flour. I didn't bother last year buying any corn, but this year I...
  14. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I order all my seeds from Heritage Harvest Seed. They are all non-GMO heirloom seeds. I just find there is something wonderful about cultivating seeds that come from plants that were around several hundred years ago. One of the beet varieties I have comes from the time of Charlemagne, and one of...
  15. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I never order a seed catalog, the place I get my seeds from has all of their plants online so I just go on there to look.
  16. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I got lots! I had enough tomatoes to can around 50 jars of stewed tomatoes, plus I used a bunch for other recipes. I also ended up freezing a bunch too. I also got 4 Queensland blue pumpkins ranging from around 20 pounds to at least 35-40 pounds each. 1 watermelon, a bunch of onions, 3 harvests...
  17. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    So if I don't feel like waiting until June to post my pictures of gardening, so I will post some of my garden that I had this year. This was at the house we were renting until we bought our farm, so next year will be even better because I can have my garden however I want. I chose a very hands...
  18. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    I know right? We must keep in mind that my In laws version of spaghetti consists of a can of tomatoes, ketchup and bbq suace I don't understand how something like gardening or preserving has become such an alien concept in less than 50 years! I think my happiest times this past Summer were...
  19. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    Just beautiful! Love the cockies in the tree! I miss Australia, especially during the winter here lol! I can't plant things like bananas, kiwi fruits, passion fruit (oh god how I miss passion fruit), and I sure do get jealous when I watch River Cottage Australia!
  20. Allysha1990

    BYC gardening thread!!

    My FIL thinks I have a problem. I have my spaghetti squash, pumpkins and canned goods stored in our mud room as it is cool and dry in there. He thinks I am a hoarder, but I don't see the harm in growing your own food. It kind of bugs me when they say it, but ultimately who is the one who is...
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