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  1. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    ok.. first of all.. the females don't raise the chicks... the males do Now having said that.. normally a captive adult emu will attack and try to kill a strange animal that enters it's domain. So the baby would have to be raised separately.. then introduced slowly in the hopes that they would...
  2. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    I wish mine still loved my Pyr.. she misses being out with them.. but when I take her out to the pasture she takes one look at them and her tail drops down and she gives me that look like "do I HAVE to go in there with them??" I don't know what happened to change the dynamic between them...
  3. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    They are just plain weird critters.. lol My Great Pyr was their "mom" until a couple of weeks ago.. They would even snuggle next to her to sleep now they try to fight her and chase her off.. No idea why unless it's because they are nearing the 1 year mark. They will actually corner her and...
  4. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    You have some lovely animals! Your 10 year old would probably be ok with the emus.. but unfortunately they would probably see his ducks as invaders. Mine got along great with all our other poultry for quite awhile (they were raised with them).. now they only tolerate ONE Muscovy drake.. if any...
  5. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    If the fence is tall enough they should do fine. The electric fence won't have any effect on them (and btw.. we hate barbed wire for emus because they will try to plow through it/over it resulting in shredding their skin). How tall is the field fence? Emus will USUALLY get along with larger...
  6. yinepu

    Warning to perspective first-time emu owners!

    Actually.. they were never "fashionable" to own until the past couple of years The only reason they became available to the general public in the U.S. was as an alternative to beef. So they were being bred as livestock.. to one day grace someone's dinner table. Later on the emu farmers here...
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