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  1. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Well, I don't know how things are going to turn out in the long run but.. I did my first surgery on one of my chickens this morning. Found out my hen had been internally laying. She was full of what seemed like cooked yolks. The total size of the mass was about the size of a baseball, if not...
  2. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Hen is doing worse again. I am starting to think it is some kind of mass inside her. Has anyone ever tried to perform surgery on their own? I at this point am wondering of there is a possability to save her. Or is there no hope and she should be put out of her misery. I now have another chicken...
  3. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    By this diagram and the feeling of the mass in my chicken, the location ov my hens mass still seme to be in the intestine. When you took the mass out of your chicken where in her abdomen was it located? Was it low or high? The location of the mass in my hen feels like it is low. It did also...
  4. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Waiting to see the pics.. abdomen on my hen seems to be getting a little softer.
  5. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Thanks for your input Dawg53, sorry that I didn't notice it was you last night. These last few days have been very trying between kids, and the chickens and the holidays. I was sooo out of it last night lol. My chicken still is feeling the same way today as she was yesterday. I manage to help...
  6. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Dumm phone, sorry. At least 15 chickens, 10 cats, and two dogs. We also have 4 children. So i know what you can when you say there is always something going on.. lol How is your chicken today? Mine is the same as yesterday. I gave her a warm bath and gave her some more karo and olive oil. Hope...
  7. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    We also have slot of critters here. We have one goose, 10 ducks, at lea
  8. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    When did you see a reply from Dawg53? I was hoping he would chime in here, but I am still not seeing anything from him... Hope he helped you out! He gives great advice. As do others.
  9. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Not much yet. Still trying the same things.. Just wish I could figure out what it is that is inside her.. I know it is not normal! I have never had a bird with problems like this before. I did at one point have over 30 birds. We have reduced our flock though. I want some more SS and WPR's. They...
  10. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    A tumor has crossed my mind. I did inspect er insides, What I found when I inserted my finger was hard, thick poop in her. I tried to feel for an egg like mass but what I felt seemed more like intestine that was impacted. Not quite sure how this could have happened. On the bright side she is...
  11. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    Can no one help me? Please, I am begging for help here...
  12. PAchickenlover

    My WPR is in need of help please!!

    My WPR hen, I thought she was egg bound. I brought her inside, put her in warm water to soak, and started to feel around. What I thought was an egg now feels like a large, hard, lumpy mass around where her intestines would be. Could she be constipated? If so, how do I treat it? Do I give her...
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