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  1. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Hi everyone! I too have been away from the thread for a few months.... Mumsy good to see you poke your head in. Sorry to hear about your health problems and that stupid coyote!! I just saw one a few days ago a few feet from my fence. The little wild birds were going CRAZY and my hens froze... I...
  2. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Delisha she has been molting for awhile (one of those SLOW molters) .... and the other feathers were coming in nicely or so I thought. She is very neurotic and is always fussing with the feathers on her back ... I finally realized her regroth seemed stalled and then looked closer to notice more...
  3. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    So my Frizzle bantam, Popcorn, was molting .... She lost feathers on her back and I saw new shafts coming in. She is a very NEUROTIC hen. I constantly see her preening those feathers and I noticed they didnt seem to be making much regrowth progress and she has more naked patches. I started to...
  4. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I am SO AFRAID to click on this video.... I already HATE RATS!!! I fear seeing this will burn an image in my brain I won't be able to erase!!!
  5. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I'm confused by your story and which "she" tried to mate who..... I only have hens and my Alpha hen has jumped on top of my other hens to show dominance ... only once that I remember.... but then again I had hen #3 crow this morning!!!
  6. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Tank was so NOT impressed by her spa day...... She is still limping .... I took her off the roost this morning and will continue to monitor her.... I let her air dry
  7. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    So this morning I noticed that Tank, my Black Orp, is limping..... and standing on one foot and then laying down and hobbling around. I looked at her foot and besides just stepping in a big wet poo before I picked her up I couldn't see and kind of cut or sore.... I rinsed her foot & felt her...
  8. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Okay I have a question I keep meaning to post but forget when I get Infront of my computer ... So phone post it is. I have a lavender Orpington who from time to time really does a deep intense squat to poop. She really stands and bears down hard. I keep expecting her to pop an egg out in the...
  9. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I'd agree for sure on the Marans. That Silkie I'm leaning boy but they can fool you. The last 2 silkies you posted I say girls! I'll take another look at the suspected boy Silkie when I'm not on my phone! PS those girls are pretty!! I like the porcelain hen :D
  10. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I had the same thing... I didnt trim her pouf but my mom thought she was blind because she would just stand there ... poor thing couldn't see. Now a year later her pouf is getting really full again ... I might have to trim by her eyes as she has to look at everything sideways .... good idea...
  11. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Kassaundra your Okie Ice pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  12. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    So the other morning I was down with the hens for free play time and they heard a hawk so they went running under a bougainvillea bush near by.... Well there was a squirrel who had taken cover under there too! Faced with all those hens, the squirrel ran off over the fence into my neighbors...
  13. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Oh and I forgot to mention, my hens think it is Spring... can't say I blame them as we have barely had a winter this year but most have started laying agin and I even have 2 who have gone broody ..... One little sizzle is sitting at the way back of the coop and every time I go to collect eggs...
  14. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    This is #2 crowing hen .... The other one is the Alpha a Splash Marans and she marches all the girls up to the lower patio to forage. She goes to town and the other girls usually come back down well before Pearl notices... Well the minute she notices she starts YELLING and sometimes crows...
  15. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Yeah that's right she is hiding & looking guilty!!! Know why?? This scrappy little thing CROWED again. Marched right up the hill to the upper patio, looked down on the other hens and crowed. She's got in trouble!!! She isn't even the Alpha hen :D
  16. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Here is a cool video animation of chick embryo development
  17. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    As if I need any encouragement to drink wine :D Good news... I had 2 open bottles from the holidays that had been corked but not properly sealed ... I had been meaning to throw them out BUT now they are AMAZING fruit fly traps!!! I opened them up and in a few days my fruit fly population has...
  18. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I just re read your post you're only 10 days in with the new chickens.... It takes a little while but they will settle down and integrate. Just make sure to have plenty of feed stations. Maybe a new one away from coop that new girls know about???
  19. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Simple have more feeding stations... How many birds do you have?? How many feeding stations??? I have 2 dishes in my coop (for 9 hens) and I also throw sprouted grains & fermented scratch out for them in their run and just out side their coop in the yard.... If you have a lot of feeding...
  20. aaggjg

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    They are totally ignoring the vinegar & dish soap ....
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