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  1. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    It's been almost a year since I've popped by. Wanted to say hi, hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and no one is hurting from the lack of moisture too much. It's baby season again. Our three girls have been doing well and we are going to be pushing the numbers out to an even six...
  2. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    I never said the two months were here yet... Just closer to them now than December.
  3. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Welcome to our beautiful state! You came just in time for our two months of nice weather ;-)
  4. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Holy cow!! Talk about a chicken palace!! Very nice! Couldn't imagine the cost on hardware cloth though! Whew!
  5. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    I think that is the biggest difference I will make with my next batch. Then it's figuring integration out. Always learning with these feather butts.
  6. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    R2elk, do you start your chicks outdoors? I'm amazed at the feathering in those babies!!
  7. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Lucky Lucy made it through due to attentive Mom and Dad and treatment started soon before I think most people even notice there is something wrong. She is about a week behind in growth but she'll make it. All Cheyenne folks can rest assured, chicken ordinance was passed and we are allowed five...
  8. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Hubby and I noticed my little gold laced is just not growing bigger, not socializing and someone in the brooder has DH...talked with my vet today, luckily I work in an a vet office. She said it's possible Coccidiosis. :'( Hunting down Corid now hoping little baby will make it by the time I get...
  9. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Well I am now the proud Mama of one Gold laced Wyn, one Buff Orp and one Giant Black Cochin. I am also suragate mothering a Plymouth and Columbian Wyn for a co-worker until they are ready to coop. My three year old is head over heels and filled with questions. When asked about Mama Chicken we...
  10. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    It's been almost a year since my last half tailed attempts at my little chicken heaven. Well I'm back and against better judgement and possible fines. We'll see how far the city of Cheyenne wants to take it, IF someone calls me in. In which I highly doubt on my 3/4 of an acre corner lot and the...
  11. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Welcome! I'm a newbie as well, good luck to you and your new venture!
  12. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Another beautiful day! Red Horse, you were much more productuve than I was that is for sure. But the Bbq at the end of the day was well worth the laziness throughout the rest of the day.
  13. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    It is a beautiful day in Cheyenne! Anyone else getting outside today and enjoying the pre-spring weather? I think I'm going to get my bulbs planted today. Black and pink lillies and black hollyhocks! Super excited for warm weather.
  14. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Awww, how exciting! Fall is my favorite season but Spring is by far the season that makes me smile the most. Yay babies!
  15. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Yes thank you Blooie for the point in the right direction! Opposite side of the state lol but boy would I love to have some land in that area. Absolutely beautiful! We're actually looking to head south into Colorado we're thinking for some decent land. We're in the city at the moment, shhhhh...
  16. WyoJax

    Wyoming Unite!!!!

    Hi all!! I just wanted to pop by and say hi! I am getting ready to go pick up my two very first chickens tomorrow, and I am already head over heels! Anyways, I am in Cheyenne and thought I would say hi to everyone!!
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