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  1. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I built a fire in the wood stove this morning. If it gets too warm, we can open the windows/front door.
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yeah, I heard a farm worker got AI, but it wasn't serious, so they said. I didn't hear where it was.
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Wow, @Swiss! Fine here. Tonight is another round of storms. We need the rain, but that's all we need.
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I thought about getting a manual one (before hubby reminded me the juicer I bought had a grist mill attachment -- thanks! hubby). I was wondering if it would be really hard to crank...?
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Before cooking on the rice. I made oat and rice flour for my GF sourdough. The rice flour was still a bit gritty. I sifted the oat flour to keep out the "chunks."
  6. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I have ground oatmeal in my blender. I bought a used Champion juicer that had a grain mill attachment, and that's what I use for rice. Those are the only two I've done.
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Nice colors, @Dreamzchaser! :lau
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    @Hickory_Hills, Howdy! We're having a potluck get together on Saturday, June 29th. Here's more information:
  9. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Cilantro will very happily reseed itself. So will borage. Plant either of them once, and you can have them forever. Maybe not where you would like them to be, however! :lau
  10. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Makes you want pizza when you mow it... :lau
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Have you heard where?
  12. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Wait a while. They can be pokey. This season is totally whacked, so they may be confused.
  13. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    @Chef2727 did you find a home for your birds? :fl
  14. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    This is what I was asking for pictures of. Not birds dead from AI.
  15. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thanks for the link.
  16. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Trying to find more info... anyone have a link?
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    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

  18. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I have peas and greens planted and up already. Same with garlic and onions. Potatoes could go in too. They aren't "tender" like tomatoes and peppers. Tomatoes and peppers are the garden divas. :gig
  19. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    FMG is a great place, isn't it?
  20. S

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Oh! Well, in that case, you'd probably have to pay someone to do the chores in your stead. Unlike watching and playing with chicks, chores aren't fun! :lau
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