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  1. jgurshtein


    *Waves!! Hello everyone! The flock is healthy and pest-free, they've been allowed to roam our backyard for the last 3 years but are also used to a smaller run. I will also be adding layers to my 're-home' list when we get closer to the closing date on our Denver home so please help me find a...
  2. jgurshtein


    If I can get her to eat well, will she bounce back or will it be a constant battle?
  3. jgurshtein


    Hello ladies, it's sure been a while since I've been online: everything has been so busy! However, recently one of my buff orpingtons has been exhibiting odd behavior. Over the last 3 months I have kept an eye on her and watched her become less and less active, choosing to puff up and sun...
  4. jgurshtein


    Thanks for the insight! I will give protein a shot...
  5. jgurshtein


    Hey all, long time no see! I've been busy (as I'm sure you all have, too) with getting things going for the summer! I've been watching my girls and some have molted at what I think are strange times, but their feathers have come back gorgeous and full and healthy. Except for one of my buff...
  6. jgurshtein


    ok, update that two buff orpingtons with mild frostbite, one wyandotte with a mild case of scaly leg mites, and 1 black cochin with most of her neck feathers broken off (likely due to the flock being less active in the cold weather and picking on the lowest bird in the flock). *SIGH*
  7. jgurshtein


    Hey all, it's been a while since I've been on here... busy stuff going on! With the cold snap I was happy to see that all my girls were doing GREAT! No frostbite or anything.... then this morning I noticed a little bit on the tips of one of my Buff Orpingtons' comb.... We don't add...
  8. jgurshtein


    Thank you so much for your comments. I have a friend who would be interested in her wings, feathers, feet, and some bones for beads so I will go ahead and process her for those items. Then I think I will see if I can find a physical cause of death. If not (and I'm suspecting I won't) then I...
  9. jgurshtein


    So this morning I went out to check on my hens and found my favorite girl dead. She was just laying there with no apparent signs of injury. She was an 8 month old laying speckled sussex and the most vocal of my flock. It is so quiet out there now, just adding to my sadness. Does anyone know...
  10. jgurshtein


    I got my first egg this morning!! I thought the wyandotte would lay before the orps but when I went to see what all the ruckus was one of my orps was sitting in the nesting box. Most of the girls haven't really shown much interest in the nesting boxes so I thought it was suspicious and lifted...
  11. jgurshtein


    Hm, heard a bunch of squawking in the run today and looked over to see my suspected roo trying to mount one of the hens.... Would anyone be interested in a gorgeous while Brahma roo? This pic is from two weeks ago, I'll try to get a newer one tomorrow... this guy is always moving so he's...
  12. jgurshtein


    We just added nesting boxes to our coop today. Some of our girls are 17 weeks old and the others are 16 weeks. I don't have any fake eggs or golf balls to put in there, but would egg-sized rocks work?
  13. jgurshtein


    That's a good idea! Thanks!
  14. jgurshtein


    With all the heat we had recently I took a small pan out to the run and filled it with water. The girls sure seemed to like having a little standing water to help cool them off. The pan is 8x8in and I was thinking of getting something a bit bigger. Does anyone else do this or have suggestions...
  15. jgurshtein


    what about something like what is sometimes used to cover window wells?
  16. jgurshtein


    My girls are 12 weeks old. Today I finally put a roost bar in their coop but they are not sitting on it tonight.... are they still too young for this instinct?
  17. jgurshtein


    Another newbie question: I've got my run all set up and it has straw thrown across the bottom. Do I need to add sand or anything to provide the girls with a dust bath? They often scratch down through the straw to get to the dirt in their quest for the scratch that I scatter around. And they...
  18. jgurshtein


    When do they usually start crowing? I've got an 11 week old that I'm pretty sure is a rooster but he hasn't crowed yet!
  19. jgurshtein


    For anyone interested, Wardle Feed in Denver will be doing a chicken swap, here's the email I got: Chicken Swap Free Admission! Chicken swaps are from 8AM to 2PM on the third Saturday of the chick season. We meet in the field behind Wardle Feed and Pet. Come buy and sell chickens, goats...
  20. jgurshtein


    They have two windows, one near the house that doesn't open and on facing away from the house that does open and close. The run is also mostly covered in suntuf panels, so the hope is that the weather won't be bad enough that I'll have to shut them up too often.
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