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  1. dennarahl


    I wonder if it's a silkie male thing? Our silkie boy has the biggest male attitude of all our roos and we have 7 (maybe 8) of them. He is the tiniest one and we think he's trying to make up for it. He is the only one that routinely attacks people and we let him live because it's funny and all...
  2. dennarahl


    Would caponizing fix the aggressiveness after he's already become aggressive? I know with male cats that fixing them after they start spraying doesn't fix the problem, so I figure it'd be the same kind of thing with the caponizing.
  3. dennarahl


    There aren't many of us out east, and sometimes it seems like there are none. But, we're here, just quieter than the CO Springs contingent. Welcome!!!!
  4. dennarahl


    I don't think so.... They respond well to positive training. Example: Call out chick chick and they come for food. We also have a free-range rooster who is trained for bed time. If it's close to dark he comes and waits near the front porch and all I have to do is ask if he's ready for bed and...
  5. dennarahl


    She sounds a lot like a he.... Kinda looks like one too, but I'm not familiar with that breed so I cant be sure.
  6. dennarahl


    Ditto, this sounds like an infection more than an absess. I had an older chick with something similar about a year ago. I gave it Duramycin and it cleared up quickly.
  7. dennarahl


    We rented the single man one a couple of weeks ago, and it did great in the areas that were watered. Not so great in the areas that were dry as a bone because the dirt was so loose. We ended up using the auger to alternately break the dirt and then scoop it out with a small bucket.
  8. dennarahl


    Not any different than using a bbq burner like we do. We keep a themometer in the water, and turn the burner on and off every so often to keep it from getting too hot or cold.
  9. dennarahl


    You're not too far from me! There's a couple others out here too, just not really frequent posters.
  10. dennarahl


    I've got 20 some odd chickens and with the exceptions of "emergency I need to lay now", they all lay in the same box, even though there are 7 of them in there. Weird birds.
  11. dennarahl


    All my friends think I live in Kansas... At least I'm not from the Springs. :)
  12. dennarahl


    most layer feeds have an adequate amount but their systems can get thrown off so its a good idea to have oyster shell available
  13. dennarahl


    Like someone else has said, if you want to breed pure at all, you'll need a rooster that has a hen. If you get a RIR roo, he'll produce sex link babies with the SLW and the BR. I have a RIR roo who is a sweetie, but that is not standard for the breed as I understand it. I have a couple other...
  14. dennarahl


    This guy could be bad news. He recently lost his farm in weld county. All the info I've seen is one sided and it's his side, but it seems very fishy to me. Having talked to someone who rescued some of his animals, I found out that the animals were not living in a good situation at all and she...
  15. dennarahl


    if aurora is close enough to make the boss happy, then elizabeth probably is too. the traffic from aurora to dtc is horrid, so time wise, it will probably take long to get to the dtc from aurora than it would from elizabeth or franktown.
  16. dennarahl


    I change everyone over to an all-flock formula when integrating ages and then offer egg shell/oyster shell in a dish for the bigger girls who need it. They'll take care of themselves and get the calcium they need.
  17. dennarahl


    Wow, you guys talk a lot! We've been crazy busy out here with weird family stuff going on, building another coop, building an unplanned goat habitat, and then driving to Divide to get the goaties from suncatcher and then taking them to the vet to get snipped and shot today. Tomorrow will be...
  18. dennarahl


    Can you pm me or post the Simla contact info?
  19. dennarahl


    we'll be there. (silver prius) i dont know yet how many birds we'll have, but i have to cut down on some numbers. i'll probably have a couple hamburgs, maybe a buttercup, and some others.
  20. dennarahl


    Big r may have chicks again in august. That's when I got my nakies last year. If you can't find any, I can hatch some babies for you. It'll take about a month if you don't mind them being mixed breeds. About 2 months if you want pure.
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