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  1. Double Kindness


    Oh it's so cold this morning!! Only 2f here!! The ducks are excited for snow, the chickens are all like "It's still here?! Make it go away mama!"
  2. Double Kindness


    I just came from checking on my flock outside. I moved them all into the condo which is bigger so they can keep each other warm. I'm glad I brought them out fresh dry straw before their bed time tonight. They really do become like my babies.
  3. Double Kindness


    I just put out fresh straw for everyone so they can be dry and warm tonight. Thank you all for your warm messages. I have a lawyer already :) the trial.. I'm looking at a fine if anything. They won't make me get rid of my chickens, as I am not the only one on my block with chickens. And...
  4. Double Kindness


    @COchix I'm so sorry about your dog. We too had a tough weekend. We put our 2 adopted rescued greyhounds to sleep to go to the rainbow bridfe, they were almost 13 years old. We had had them about 8.5 years. I had gotten them from their breeder kennel for free from West Virgini . They paid to...
  5. Double Kindness


    I said pointedly to my bf just now... hook up those 2 incubators! Fill them both with eggs and let's do itagain. ;) bwaaahahaha.
  6. Double Kindness


    This snow can go away now.. well.. maybe after Christmas. The ducks are frolicking in the snow. I put down some straw do they can walk around a bit. I was looking at the store Party Fowl.. she makes custom duck harnesses, diapers, leashes and bling. Kinda spendy st $40 a diaper...
  7. Double Kindness


    I actually have 2 indoor runner ducks that hatched under a broody thst ended up not being a good mama. One duckling I didn't get to in time to be rescued had been scalped :o so I'vebeen looking into duck diapers and hharnesses because I feel bad keeping them in a box on my fireplace all day...
  8. Double Kindness


    The ee x ac grew out so pretty, I had a few blues, but most were solid black like Estella my Denver County Fair blue ribbon winning backyard class chicken and places 2nd best bird in show And my ayam cemani pullet with my f6 clream legbar that didn'thave a crest but my line is still...
  9. Double Kindness


    At 8 weeks old my cx broiler meat chickens are starting to die of heart attacks. I have one napping in a box of shaving that looks bkue tinged skin and not moving much while I drink my first cuppa black coffee and get my water scalding and sharpening my favorite knif . ATM I have one of my...
  10. Double Kindness


    @cochix you're now in Englewood? So am I! I raised narragansett turkeys this year, a heritage breed. My poults were $30 each, then I had to feed them. That would explainthe price of the $100 turkey. my y cx meaties turn 8 weeks old tomorrow! Such fatties! My turkey pullet/hen's name is...
  11. Double Kindness


    I have 39 broilers and 19 heavy breed roosters. I took these pictures of them yesterday when I moved them outside. Here's one for size, they are 3 weeks old today.
  12. Double Kindness


    I actually order my feed through Ranch-Way Feed Mills in Ft. Collins, I get a custom formula blend of non gmo organic gluten free 23% protein chick starter. Bagged and certified is .58 cents a lb. For organic non gmo chick starter, whole grains should be less expensive. I need gluten free...
  13. Double Kindness


    Argh. Code enforcement came by yesterday and gave me a summons. Of course my bf left the gap in the fence unblocked when he had been working on his car the night before and I didn't check to make sure it was still up; and one of my frizzle tolbunt polish chickens was in the alleyway and ran back...
  14. Double Kindness


    I've been so busy with harvest and all. I put up 20quarts of tomatoes the past few days to go with my 15 other quarts of tomatoes canned. My tomatoes did better last year than this year, as did my peppers. My 39 cornish x broilers and 19 remaining heavy breed mixed roosters from mt healthy are...
  15. Double Kindness


    My broiler chicks are in!! Yay!! At first I thought a flock of crying birds was flying to my house, but it was my bf bringing in2 boxes of chirping baby chickens. 1 looks like it might not make it, but that's what happens with shipped chicks sometimes :(
  16. Double Kindness


    I'm getting 50 cornish x broilers and 25 misc roosters from Mt Healthy they ship on sept 30th. Does anyone want to buy any from me? I know it's been tough to get broilers of late to fill the freezers. I also have fizzled tolbunt polish and easter egger roosters if anyone is interested to breed...
  17. Double Kindness


    My beekeeping mentor told me the best thing would to find a beekeeper locally to get a frame of capped honey on top of me feeding them so they can survive. But I guess I'm in the wrong place to ask.
  18. Double Kindness


    Lol @latestarter our beehives got hit by hail in June and we got a $170 check from the insurance company and a new roof. I'm having this bee guy Michael Jordan coming from Wyoming on Oct 17th (saturday) to teach a 4 hour class on winterizing hives on my property and how to make your own queens...
  19. Double Kindness


    Yes.. you read that right. I raised up 10 cornish x meat chicks, 2 died but at 12 weeks of age they were dressing out at 24lbs each. They were the size of turkeys!! I feed them fermented feed that was from Ranch-way mills in ft collins. I feed 23% protein non medicated organic non gmo gluten...
  20. Double Kindness


    Oh no! I'm down to only 5 ccl hens otherwise I'd offer :) mine are still sex linked at hatch, so the silvery ones are boys and chipmunk colored ones are girls.. but my last pair f4 didn't have crests, even at 6 months of age?
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