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  1. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm slacking in the garden. Husband confirmed lung cancer coming back in the scar tissue. Best option removing lung, second option immunotherapy. A board of smart people has to decide which, then we start. I'll be gone from the boards a bit. Enjoying fresh food though, you guys stay safe and...
  2. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Having internet issues with this weather. Still spraying for blight, apparently that task will be never ending. Did solve the bean problem, new leaves coming out are a lovely green! Phosphorus deficiency, added some nitrogen too just in case. Never would have thought to do that but was a...
  3. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oh no! Hope you get well soon! Must have the daily inspection! :)
  4. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Gave the beans their medicine, added some to the tomatoes just because. Found a pepper plant almost devastated by hornworms overnight. They went for a ride downstream. Sprayed copper sulfate last night on my blighted plants. Just too humid and bug infested in this area. Found the chickens...
  5. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It's late, but I think I foubd what's wrong with my beans. Phosphorus deficiency, will top dress with bone meal and feed some worm casing tea. Oh yum. Found a double peach hibiscus at a local farmers market. It needed to come home with me. Borer and what it does to the inside of your stems...
  6. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It loaded one anyway! Don't know what's up with that, those are my sad beans, purple beans, purple stems, green leaves - it must not have read the memo
  7. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I used baking soda mixed with water for poison ivy. Brief relief but worth it. Very messy though. I've been slacking. Dh got back from visiting his mom and promptly threw off my schedule with random unannounced appts which required I drive. Too hot to do anything except early morning. Sprayed...
  8. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That's awesome, when I first started gardening I didn't know they would turn to paper, saved those shallots 3 years before I had a place to plant them. :th Right? 30 was no biggie, 40 was meh, 50 has me thinking that I need to brace myself. Happy Belated Birthday! Have lots of dirt and lots of...
  9. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Agreed @Acre4Me it's satisfying pulling weeds in saturated ground. Even the deep root ones come all the way out. Ok, gonna go see if I can figure it out! :lau
  10. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well, it won't let me load the video, but he got busted in a nest box while his fav lady was laying. He looked down, then at me then down again. Guilty! Busted, poor confused feller. No gardening for a while, flooding in the usual places tomorrow, that means here. :rolleyes: So moving the...
  11. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Rainy today, off and on thunderstorms all day. My tomatoes are all splitting. At least the spider mites are mostly gone. My strange yellowish dappled beans are about to blossom. Plants are a little stunted though for being in a huge pot with awesome dirt. I'm going to conclude they're missing...
  12. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Wow, I want to laugh, but 271 more? That was quite a storm!
  13. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    MIL lives in Lacey, opted out of vacation this year with their fam. They're all virgos and convinced they're smart and open minded...most narrow people I've ever met, which limits the smart part. Spent a couple of days with my daughter and grandbaby, spending a couple more with mom, close on 90...
  14. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I feel for you without power, we've been in the same boat on some hot days. There's a pretty big cross road a mile or so down from us and I don't know what the deal was, but for about a year there would be a wreck every other weekend, you can still drive by and see the twisted mess of the third...
  15. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    If there's a garden center near you or a Lowes, they usually carry it. I've only ever seen it where you add water to spray.
  16. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I dunno either, was having to water cause it was bone dry for 3 weeks straight, now rain for 2 weeks straight, poor plants don't know whether they're coming or going. Planted second crop of beans in the same pot as the first and they're fine. Pruned the heck out of the tomatoes in between rain...
  17. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hoo, so I guess I'm making up for a week today. One week of rain and my pots get moldy :( just sunflowers, short ones, but still....put a fairy in it and call it temperate woodland. Anybody identify what's goin on here? It's on bush beans and tomatoes. I see the spider mite damage, was...
  18. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    On a lighter note, my chard was being eaten alive, sprayed neem once, then saw this guy. Stopped spraying. Bergamot just starting to bloom. Cherokee purple tomato just starting out, can't decide if that's normal and it's going to be knobbledy, or if it has issues. :hmm
  19. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We have creek spiders. They get as big as your hand, thankfully they don't want inside. I just walk past them slowly, careful not to make eye contact. Eyes contact. :shudder: My oldest decided she was going to feed the slugs in her yard. Apple slices. :barnie:smack I told her I wasn't bringing...
  20. Searsmom

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Been raining here, good for the plants but means I don't get much done. Ripped out the cucumber Lowes had labeled as zucchini, they were pickling cucumbers, need to hunt my seed bank in the freezer for seed. Packing daughter up for a trip to Grammy in CA, can get more done this week. :lau...
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