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  1. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yea woke up to 23°f an about a rough inch of snow..... Id never hit a real woman in my life but if i ran into mother nature out an about........ she might wanna walk cautiously.
  2. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Check this out i refer to it an also participate in it
  3. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hey! You can give this a try to save your squash i read it somewhere. 1) Get plastic YELLOW solo cups 2) Wooden stake 3) small nail or screw 4) cheap vaseline Instructions. Drive the stake into the garden next to your squash plants, Put the solo cup upside down on the stake an tack it in place...
  4. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Got my blueberrys in!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard to see in the pic tho :yesss:
  5. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ive never herd of wild violets or wold vilote jam what to they look like an hows it tast??
  6. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Also last week was able to get my mower all tuned up fresh, oil, oil filter, blades, greased, an washed for the season!
  7. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Long time no talkie, bein busy with the family of 6, did manage to tend my seedlings an do some transplanting to bigger pots an made a window type greenhouse for them. Till our temps turn around here. Hope everyones doin well
  8. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

  9. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks BReeder!
  10. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Whats your demensions on that BReeder?
  11. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Day 3 of rain here in wester NY, at least not cold cold but it sure is makin some mud out there. On the upside, jist about all of the veggies ive started inside are sprouted exsept for the peppers. This morning me an one of the littles started our flowers inside Sunflowers, Zinnias...
  12. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Rain rain rain, got some grass seed down in a few bad spots in the lawn anyways. One the sweet side had more spouts show up! Tomato, cucumber, broccoli. There hard to see in pic but they are there!
  13. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Beautiful day here in western NY, 50s an sunny with slight breeze. Out of The seeds i started sunday i had my cauliflower sprout yesterday!, i coverd the trays with with clear wrap as suggest and hoping for the best :thumbsup
  14. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Now what intails "letting them scab over?" I keep reading it but not really sure of a proper way.
  15. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That sounds cool could you post a pic so i have a better pic in my head, i may jist steal this idea!
  16. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Why thank you, its my oasis hahahaha
  17. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

  18. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I guess i never really thought of going in that direction with it i jist automatically rulled it out cus i stoped my lawn mowing just past my fence on that side an my neighbor cuts hay off there but i could go in that direction an let the other side grow to hay for him an its future possible...
  19. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Here is few pics of min, i wanna go bigger so i can add an have room for a small orchard of fruit trees an bee hives in the future..... its gonna be a lifetime project. Hahaha:D But my goal is to have the veggie garden, berry bushes, fruit trees an bee hives in one big fenced in area. Me an the...
  20. Reedo5

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Morning everyone, Well we went from beautiful weekend her in western Ny to yesterday snow... 😑 an in the 20s°. But on the plus side i got those seeds started i posted earlier, an i was also able to get some sulfer mixed in with the holes i prepped for my blueberry bushes, im gonna give it a week...
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