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  1. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @igorsMistress I'm sorry about your flock. Is there a vet that might be willing to do a necropsy? @Acre4Me, those eggs look and sound delicious! I may have to try that. Do you think letting them sit in the mix would boost the flavour? I've never pickled eggs before... Sad story about the...
  2. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hello, hope everyone is doing well! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Nothing awry here, just busy (also: allergies this year! Agh!). Thought we'd get an early frost this year, but here we are, the day after the average first frost date and it was 78 this afternoon. So the garden plugs...
  3. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @Acre4Me That marbled squash is really cool looking! And all those tomatoes—beautiful! Those spinning gourds are darling...that might be fun to grow next year to give to the crumb-crunchers at church. (Much to their parents' delight, I'm sure, when a half-rotten one is found beneath the...
  4. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good luck with the cucurbits, @Kiwibird! I've transplanted those before without issue. @Sueby, I've winter-sown cucurbits in the past. More risk of disturbing the roots this way, but they've never sulked too much (of course I'm careful). Oooo, that sounds good. Stay safe as you can! I will say...
  5. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Now that sounds like fun. Usually for Christmas I'll whip up a bunch—one year I made chocolate marshmallows and strawberry ones and sliced them to be smaller than usual. Big hit! Dad kept tossing them into his coffee. :P Playing confectioner is such fun. Raspberry sounds wonderful, yum. They all...
  6. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @igorsMistress I do wonder about the history of those poor birds! No doubt all of us do! @penny1960 Bandit is adorable!
  7. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ha! It's funny you say that—here in the next couple of weeks our pastor wants to do a "bring your lunch" thing so we can all hang out and enjoy lunch together after service, and of course he mentioned sandwiches. "Who eats sandwiches anymore?" I asked my husband (who sensibly pointed out that...
  8. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    This week got out of hand—I'm 25 pages behind! *heart attack* Tuesday (Monday? can't remember, what did I tell you?), we had wild storms roll through all late afternoon and early evening. Went out about four to peek in on the chickens and they'd already tucked themselves in for the night; at...
  9. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @karenerwin, I am so sorry!
  10. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Now that is a smart dog! Ha!
  11. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Our temperatures have been the same way, at least they were 'til last week! Then it was warm even at night...and now it is cooling off again. Was brisk just now when I ran out to close the pop door. And my tomatoes have been behaving the same way too! Maybe our tomatoes are related. :p Congrats...
  12. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks a bunch! Needles?! What? Are you okay?! :( Okay, I'm pretty bummed to hear about that. I've been not-so-subtly angling for a Weed Dragon for ages...cathartic, if nothing else. Homemade sourdough bread & peach preserves sound like a beautiful day, @Wee Farmer Sarah. Your home must...
  13. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    So do you just swirl the seeds up with the vinegar instead of fermenting? Does the vinegar work with cuke seeds, too? All of those gourds are such fun to look at, @Acre4Me! Do you dry them for any purpose at the end of the season? Not sure about the fig...we'd like to grow those ourselves. I...
  14. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Whoa. Is there enough lemonade on earth? Try to stay cool! And thanks for the seed order scoop. ;) Considering ordering next year's seeds now... Apparently many of the seed companies are already warning about 2021 shortages.
  15. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You gush over Native Seed Search and don't tell us what you got? No pictures of the seed packets? *hurt* ;)
  16. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You'll do just fine! (Try having a wee garden and doing a fall AND winter garden...good times, good times...) It is difficult pulling those happy, beautiful plants...but it is worth it in the end, it is. If nothing else it is lots of fun still harvesting goodies in early October. ;) So you are...
  17. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Oooo, pickled tomatoes! That sounds good, @Sueby. Question about the you give that to grown birds as well in the heat? Is it their only water for the day? We had a plant fail to yield tomatoes, too, but happily, it was the only one that pulled that stunt. Congrats on the pole...
  18. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks! Little monster. (ETA the hornworm, not you...)
  19. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @NewBoots and anyone else, you can also "core and score" your tomatoes before tossing them into the freezer—no blanching necessary. I will rinse them off, core/score (cut a wee 'X' on the bottom of the fruit) and cut out any iffy parts, and toss them into a zip-top bag. The skins come off quite...
  20. NightingaleJen

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks for the welcome back @NewBoots, @penny1960, @Sueby ! Please forgive me if I missed any of you...At least the chicks kept me very happily occupied in the meantime. ;) Congrats on the eggs @NewBoots! That must be a thrill indeed! Also, the soup with English muffins sounds great...boy, do I...
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