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  1. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Then your claim that your inability to see the shell fragments in the soil must mean that they've broken down into their individual constituent elements makes even less sense, no matter how many condescending emojies you use But as for your "degree in physics", I recall that being on display...
  2. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Just because the shell fragments are too small for you to see and differentiate from other parts of the soil doesn't mean that they've decomposed into their constituent elements. They can do so, but the soil needs to be fairly acidic (have a low pH) in order to react with the calcium carbonate...
  3. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My favorite way to eat them is to drizzle a little olive oil on them, apply a little kosher salt and pepper and then grill them for a few minutes. Then pull them off the grill and microplane some Parmigiano-Reggiano on them. It's the king of vegetables.
  4. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I haven't even planted anything else yet and already the asparagus I planted last year is putting food on the table (or at least the counter). And yes, they're delicious.
  5. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well, this answers that question.
  6. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Everything I've read claims that Fava Beans (aka, "Broad Beans") are cold hardy down to 14°F. I'm not sure that's right, at least not when they're starting out. We haven't gotten below 25°F yet.
  7. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I sure did enjoy those 20 minutes of Fall we got last week. This is at 7:30 AM with the sun up, meaning it was even colder overnight. So much for any more goodies from the garden. I still had watermelons, some okra and the majority of the tomato crop ripening out there.
  8. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    And, finally...the lima beans are setting pods. I have a 10 ft row of these that are about 5 feet tall and so lush the foliage is little over 2 ft thick, and covered in blooms. It's been blooming like crazy for the past couple of months, but the temps were just too high for them to set pods...
  9. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Now that the brutal summer temperatures are finally behind us (just barely) my tomatoes, which have been growing like weeds but not setting any fruit since I started them indoors at the end of February (and transplanted to the garden on April 11) have decided to start setting fruit like there's...
  10. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    How about an early Fall kitchen? At the moment I have 21 lbs of my home-cured pastrami sous vide-ing on the back porch in my 82 qt crawfish boil pot. It's a fusion of haute cuisine and redneck cooking techniques.
  11. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not anymore. Using dehumidifiers for residential water production is not even remotely economically viable. Even forgetting the cost of the equipment, a good rule of thumb for the energy requirement for a consumer-level dehumidifier to extract/condense water from the air in a relatively dry...
  12. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I finally got around to decapitating the remaining sunflowers. My QA team of hens heartily approved of the seed samples I gave them.
  13. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm going to grow the hell out of these things (Leelanau Sweetglo) next year. They're easily the most delicious watermelon I've ever tasted. It's like a watermelon, an orange and a mango had a 3-way tryst. It's not a seedless hybrid, I just got lucky and happened to slice it along a line...
  14. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Speaking of torches...when you don't want to fire up the grill to sear just one steak...
  15. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Don't give me any ideas.
  16. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Where's the fun in that?
  17. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That sounds like a fungus of some kind
  18. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We really like the spaghetti squash that my garden has produced, but the skins are so hard and tough that they're nigh impervious to even the sharpest kitchen cutlery. But I'm a man and I have cordless power tools, so I'm not going to let that stop me. Of course the circular and jig saws would...
  19. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not just if you wear contacts. Also if you have fingers and eyes...or just a face. I still remember the first time I cut up a bunch of my habaneros for salsa and I told myself, "Gloves? I don't need no steenking gloves." Then an hour later I got something in my eye and reflexively sent a...
  20. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I can hear your chickens saying, "Gimme!" from here.
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