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  1. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Snow Day (really ice/sleet that started Valentine's Day). I started some eggplant seeds in a wicking setup new to me from a YT video by something with 'VanDuzee' in the channel name. t was an instructional video for kids on microgreens, I adapted it for seed starting/testing germination...
  2. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I finished sorting all seeds by weeks-to-last-frost-date and decluttered the office of mostly empty boxes. Then I found MORE seeds! ... so will sort more tomorrow...LOL... I really thought I needed to order a few more seeds but now that I have most organized in one place I realized NO more are...
  3. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    When my aviary nets or chicken wire covered runs get heavy with snow I go thru with a broom or similar to barely touch it underneath (safety hat & goggles on) to let the snow release from it. Maybe with ice do it in the "sunniest" or "hottest" part of the day so better chance to get it to come off.
  4. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Getting Ready for Plant Sale ...update... This morning I finally got 80% of my seeds sorted by "start X weeks before last frost". Just in time since I need to start the longer lead time seeds very soon. Tomorrow I'll make a schedule of them to keep myself (or anyone who may want to help) on track.
  5. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I gave all the stuff I sifted (from seed starting soil reused from DH trenchwork) to the Greenhouse chickens...grass, weeds, small rocks... they thought is was heaven!
  6. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm pretty sure there is a locked thread on this subject because of the viral unproven nature of some of the conversations. I quit listening to any of it since it's winter. Many birds don't lay when days are short, or they molt, or they get older, or they hide eggs (I just found 28 eggs a few...
  7. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I usually take any seeds that are low germination and throw ALL of them (of same kind) in a single pot. I got Tomato seeds as old as 2004 to get a few plants that way and a bumper crop from those plants over last 2 years when I didn't buy alot of seeds. Of course I'd never give chickens Tomato...
  8. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm thinking of sending an aerogarden to my Dad in an assisted living apartment. He used to garden big time so this might be good for him. Before this I looked at aerogarden and said I don't need that since I have a large greenhouse and all the garden space I could want including light shelves...
  9. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've had trouble too. I've recently seen video saying onion, chive seeds are not as viable the longer you keep them or if you don't leave them on the plant to mature long enough. I think some of my saved seeds may have be too old. I'm now starting to plant these types of seeds sooner or fresher...
  10. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I am starting to clear my light shelves to get more linear feet ready for more seed starts. I have all my greens up potted now under 6' of lights - about 9 dish pans full of over 90 starts (some are double/tripple potted). Comming next... 1) 6 (might update to 12) lights in my cart ready to...
  11. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Mother's Day typically here is plant sale weekend. It stretches out to end of month or until no more plants with a self serve pay box on honor system.
  12. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    At least you have a plan to deal with it. IDK if PVC or Rebar is less expensive/availavle where you are but I've seen a "trellis to make you jealous" on David the Good YT channel (I think) that uses PVC -Ts (instead of the elbows you are thinking of) with rebar or conduit (could be anything...
  13. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm making plans/preparing for my first plant sale in May. Is anyone else planning a sale? Reminder: I bought out my neighbor of her plant sale signs and lots of supplies last year when she moved. Her customers will recognize her signs and come back to the sale right next door to the old...
  14. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I now have most of my greens up potted to solo cups and made room for all 6-7 dishpans under a 4' section of lights. Over 64 cups (some are double or triple potted). I will make room for another two 4' sections on my light shelves for herb starts. I already have about 200 succulents (just now...
  15. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Romaine is SO EZ to grow - I started with some saved seeds from transplants I got from a neighbor years ago. I just planted some of those saved seeds from at least 3 years ago and most germinated very well.
  16. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I actually up potted about 40 of the 64 +++ greens as of this morning. Mostly greens and then a potful of calendula all in one beautiful red glazed pot with attached saucer (that I never used at Christmas as intended).
  17. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I watched a YT video about using stretch pants in outrageous patterns as socks over random plastic pots or recycled bottles. If they are of nylon, poly and spandex materials they can last a year outside where she is in southern California. Perhaps these could be useful as slings for melons. YT...
  18. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm up potting some greens (various lettuces, spinach, cabbage, bok choy) that I've started under lights. I have at least 64+++ So will do 9 at a time as I go in/out from chicken chores until all are done. 9 solo cups fit in the dishpans that I'm sifting soil into (soil leftover from digging...
  19. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I don't know if you have a chicken tractor or an environment to keep them safe from predators in a chicken tractor but they like to clear and till...
  20. CaroleW

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I just ordered a few packets of seeds from True Leaf for microgreens and also for cat grass (wheat grass) as a present for my CCL (crazy cat lady) next door neighbor. We went to the Farmer's Market Saturday and microgreens was one of the few things she bought so she'll be happy when I split...
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