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  1. Ridgerunner

    Can you hatch your own Cornish Cross?

    Thanks for correcting me on that. That’s about as clear as mud isn’t it? It took many readings but I think I can follow what they are talking about though there are some things that seem contradictory. Body weight as a function of chick weight was not significant. However, chick weight was...
  2. Ridgerunner

    Can you hatch your own Cornish Cross?

    You can certainly talk to Perdue or Tyson and see what they say, but I’d be amazed if you even get a response. They spent millions developing those flocks. Why would they give a competitor that start for any amount of money? Besides, you would have to know what traits you are looking for in...
  3. Ridgerunner

    Can you hatch your own Cornish Cross?

    Crazytalk, I’d not believe that about the genetic dwarfs. It makes for a good story, but no. You might want to watch these to see how it is actually done. It’s from the hatching egg side of the industry. This corrected a lot of my pre-conceived notions.
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