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  1. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    It's really interesting that Vandana Shiva is one of the authors of that paper claiming that not enough testing being done, when her environmental group is breaking into test plots of Golden Rice and burning the fields. When the typhoon hit India in '99, and the US sent aid (in the form of...
  2. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    This is unequivocably wrong. GMO foods go through an extremely rigorous testing brigade that is drastically more stringent than those present in other types of food. Here is one example - the single largest feeding trial ever conducted - and it's a study of GMO foods...
  3. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    Jane Goodall is not an expert in this subject - she's a primatologist. That article is an opinion piece, and it is not backed up by science. Here's a counter take, illustrating a lot of what's shes wrong about...
  4. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    Here's some evidence that Mercola is a conman: The FDA keeps having to serve this guy Cease and Desists because he keeps making illegal claims about his milkshakes. He's a snake oil salesman, and the proof of that is readily available on...
  5. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    Here's a much better article, by a man who understands the science a lot better than Mercola does.
  6. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    We've been over this dozens and dozens of times - Mercola is a conman. Post a credible source, or stop.
  7. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to verify things before they start pretending to be an expert on them - I don't give people legal advice because I don't have a law degree and I don't give people medical advice because I'm not a doctor. If people aren't willing to actually read...
  8. CrazyTalk

    Corn and Soy free......?

    No, it hasn't. Stop spreading lies.
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