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  1. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I have no idea what one can buy in a chemist on any day for sour crop in a chicken. The last time I used a chemist I mentioned what I was after (Calcium Citrate) was for a chicken and they refused to serve me.:confused: Apparently pharmacies are not allowed to sell you anything they believe may...
  2. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Hello people. Please excuse me butting in. It may have been mentioned before but as far as I'm aware flockdown finishes in the UK on the 18th of this month.:wee
  3. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Apologies not necessary. It's one of my "sensitive" subjects.:) One can read all sorts of nonsense on the internet. When it comes to medication and matters that may affect the health and life of other creatures the people who give the advice, well intentioned or not, accurate or not, do not have...
  4. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I'm not at all happy doing this. Prescribing antibiotics and recommending dosages should be done by a vet. If drugs haven't been prescribed by a vet and the drug has been aquired by other means then the reality should be you are on your own regarding risk and dosage. The internet and/or vetinary...
  5. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    You may find this more effective as a disinfectant.
  6. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    You can use Ibuprofen. You would need to calculated dosage.
  7. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    32ml size should be more than enough.
  8. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I can't help you with the Neosporin. It's not something I've used. Iodine...
  9. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Don't forget to turn her lots.:p
  10. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    If my memory serves me these people will know a vet local to you.
  11. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    There is a UK vet list which I thought I had to hand, but don't. I'll see if I can find it.
  12. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Tsk, tsk, caught you with chickens in the house.:p I can just mop the floor but what do you do given you've got carpet?
  13. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    He's still there.:lol: He'll grow out of it eventually. He's a special needs cockerel.;)
  14. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    You could try making a mash. Add warm water to a bowl of feed, enough to make it wet but not so runny that you can pour it. I've had some problems getting the chickens here to eat various dry foods, some don't like it and would rather forage, others just pick out the best bits and throw the rest...
  15. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    That should help with funding.
  16. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Fortunately I don't have to walk there. I go on a trail bike. They are Catalans which is what should be here. They are probably past egg laying age, maybe not.:confused: Don't care really.:)
  17. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I've got a Christmas present coming.....3 rescue chickens; one rooster and two hens.:celebrate Going to have to build another coop. They are down in the village at the moment in quarantine. Really nice man from Morocco found them up on the ridge. It's quite common for people (?) to abandon them...
  18. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I know so little about breeds it's laughable.
  19. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    @Sneebsey. May I ask where and why you learn't about breeding genetics? I've been watching your responses on another thread.
  20. Shadrach

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I just can't argue with this. Dink, who I have been lifting out of the Magnolia tree for 5 years now who is having a sever moult this year pecked me tonight even after I had considerately not touch her body and balanced her on my hand! Talk about pissy!:D
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