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  1. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    :yesss: :wee:celebrate I'm so happy for you!!!!
  2. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    So sorry to hear that :( :hugs
  3. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    :celebrate COME ON GOOSEYS!!!!
  4. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    "Lockdown" is the last 3 days of incubation, where the humidity is raised to 65-75%, egg turning is stopped and the incubator isn't opened until the hatch is over (unless one needs assisting). If the incubator is opened, the humidity levels will drop, and the ducklings can get shrink rapped (the...
  5. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I'd advise that you lightly spray them with warm water everyday, until lockdown (it stimulates the duck leaving the nest for a swim and returning with wet feathers, and it moistens the shell, making it easier for them to break out).
  6. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Maybe take it for a supervised swim (in shallow, warm water) for 5 mins, which might help it clear through any gunk or dust that it might have breathed in? It'll probally pass, but it's a good idea to keep an eye on it.
  7. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I'm currently on day 4. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the Gosling Hatchalong- I'll go and check it out now :).
  8. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    So so cute :love
  9. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    :fl What breed of goose are you incubating? I'm candling my 6 Africans in a couple of days and I'm quite nervous...
  10. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    :hugs Sorry for your loss :( That's why I don't hatch Quail.... My Dad used to hatch them when he was growing up- he opened the incubator to find a pool of blood and a load of dead quail chicks.
  11. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I went to Carlisle Auction today :D The prices were VERY high - £42 for a dozen of BCM hatching eggs!!!.... @Yorkshire Coop I think your goslings softened me - I've always said that I'd NEVER get into geese, but I left the auction with 6 Grey African goose hatching eggs :oops: (aswell as a...
  12. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    You could always take it to the vets at the beginning of the day- they normally do it for a tiny fee or even for free. :hugs
  13. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Hi :) Our friends ducks escape from their garden into the canal, which is on other side of the wall and they return home every evening. You should probally keep them confined to your garden, until they learn where their home is, before letting them into the canal.
  14. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI Anyone going?
  15. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Change them onto grower pellets between 6-8 weeks.
  16. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Hi and welcome to the thread! :frow Sounds like you have your hands full :lol:... Good luck with your goose eggs- be sure to update us on how it goes (and post us some photos to drool over ;)). Charlotte
  17. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    :frow Hi!
  18. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    For lockdown, just lay them on their sides :) I really really hope they hatch for you!! :fl
  19. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Yes, give them a while before helping them- it's always best if they can get out themselves..... I'd suggest that you ask Ravyn Fallen or in the Duck section for advice- it's a delicate balance between leaving it too long, and intervening too early.
  20. DancingWthDucks

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Beautiful!! Well done on the great hatch rate too- not bad at all ;).
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