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  1. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    This is what I use for my layers and my meat birds. My hubby made them out of PVC pipe and they work perfectly. ETA: He has actually made a bar going down the middle that seems to keep the meat birds from getting into it. The hens...they think it's a roost bar after they have had their...
  2. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    This is what I do too only I feed crumbles instead of pellet.
  3. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    We have been unusually hot here too. I set up a soaker hose (the flat ones with little hole poked in them) running down the middle of their pen and they absolutely loved it! They would spend most of the day foraging or laying under the mist from the hose. Not one single bird under there was...
  4. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Is it hot? How did they die, do you know?
  5. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I love the results I obtained while using fermented feed and now that the broilers are in the freezer, I think I will just ferment the grains for my layers and offer free choice layers crumbles. Good luck!!
  6. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    No, last years average was definitely bigger but I'm much happier with the size of this years. We ended up with a couple over 9lbs dressed last year and that is too big for just hubby and I. Last years batch were mostly cockerels and this years batch were mostly pullets. Dressed weights...
  7. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    We butchered our broilers yesterday and they are all in the freezer but one and we ate it tonight!! OMG, I will never feed anything but fermented feed, they were almost 10 weeks and they actually have dark meat on the legs and thighs and the flavor is by far the best chicken I have ever eaten...
  8. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    My broilers like it all although they seem to like the screened wheat better than the whole wheat. My pullets don't like the whole oats so I think I'm going to get the steamed, rolled oats next time too. My feed mix consists of screened wheat, whole oats, steamed, rolled barley and cracked corn.
  9. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I know there was someone on here that was going to feed FF to their quail. If you're still here how did it go? My Bobwhite quail arrive tomorrow and I was curious. :)
  10. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    No, they really don't but I don't always get around to making their FF so that is why I also offer the crumbles, too. I have 41 layers currently and 13 8 week old pullets. We are butchering the meaties next Saturday so I will have the ferment bucket available for them. I'm not sure what to do...
  11. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I mix screened wheat, barley, oats and corn with my layer crumbles but also offer crumbles free choice in dry form. I weighed one of my average sized males today and he weighed 8 lbs 1 oz at 8 weeks of age, that is almost a 3 lb weight gain in one week. I do have several females that are as...
  12. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Don't waste your money on end caps. You seriously don't need them, we bought end caps and I see no point in them at all.
  13. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds do you know when a chick has sour crop?
  14. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm mixing my commercial feed with grains so you are fine there. If you want to add grains (cheaper than feeding straight commercial feed) you can usually find them at your local co-op's or feed stores.
  15. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Okay, I just weighed a couple of my meaties and at 6 weeks an average sized cockerel weighed 3 lbs 15 oz and an average sized pullet weighed 4 lbs 5 oz. Quite disappointed in their weights as they are off standard by over 2.5 lbs for the males and 1.5 for the females. Really shocked that the...
  16. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Duh I guess I wasn't really thinking!! Sorry and yes, I have noticed that mine are not gaining weight the way they have in the past on the FF but I'm okay with that because they are eating less, stink A LOT less and forage more.
  17. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Is the feed for the FFC's and CC's both measured in dry or the FF as is and the crumbles as is? Was asking because if they are both measured in dry form, that seems really odd compared to what I have been seeing and the difference is huge.
  18. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    When I do it again, I will buy cracked corn, oats and barley!! I currently use cracked corn, oats, barley and wheat and have found that the little girls don't care for the wheat too much!! The meaties on the other it all!!!
  19. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yea!!! You're back! Was starting to get worried about you. ;) Did you butcher yet?
  20. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I personally would not feed cob to my chickens (that is a cattle feed). I would buy individual bags and mix them. I just used Purina start and grow and when that bag ran out switched to Purina Flock Raiser or really any feed you wish mixed with the grain. I use 50% Flock Raiser and 50%...
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