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  1. itsbob


    Well shoot, I've got an extra roo.. I boght day old EE chicks with one rooster ( and got two) which is OK, and last week we thought they started crowing, today I find out it wasn't them but another Roo.. kind of looks like a tan leghorn and its feathers actually shine like fringed with...
  2. itsbob


    You live too far North.. we got a dusting and a little icing down here.. in the past ten years had to push snow with the FEL on the tractor only one year.
  3. itsbob


    Have to ask.. Ayam Cemanis? I would build another coop just for them if it was possible to get fertile eggs.
  4. itsbob


    In other news, I made an omelette this morning and it appears my one juvenile rooster has been busy.. three bullseyes. I may have EE chicks sooner than I thought.
  5. itsbob


    I would NOT have a coop/run that I couldn't stand up in.. imagine either chasing chickens or cleaning the coop on your hands and knees. I built ours, nothing great to look at, but it works, and mostlt used lumber I had in the yard, including extra fence posts. I've seen some at the Charlotte...
  6. itsbob


    I bought Amaraucana chicks from efowl in September, lost a few to a fox but still have 7 left and one rooster. When do people think the rooster is mature enough to give me fertile EE eggs, and if I do incubate the eggs what are the chance they are going to lay blue/green eggs too? He's my only...
  7. itsbob


    I would love to find a place that sells true bulk feed, and not just open a 50 pound bag to sell you 10 pounds of "bulk feed" for twice the price per pound. Figure if you are paying $15 for a 50 ($.30 a pound) pound bag, there should be a way to buy say 250 or 500 pounds without bags for $.15-...
  8. itsbob


    Setting duck eggs tonight. Got in 10 Khakis and 5 Pekins from Metzers.. If anyone has Marans available I would love to add some Marans to my flock/hatch.
  9. itsbob


    Quote: Won't help you this time around, but in the spring I'll have fertile Amaraucana eggs, as well as Pekin, and possibly Khaki Campbell duck eggs. I'll have an assortment of "mutt" chicken eggs, but the rooster(s) are Amaraucanas and of course the "full breed" eggs will be easy to...
  10. itsbob


    I can help with some of the chickens.. let me know whay you have left, I'm in Dameron have 20 chickens and 4 ducks now. REALLY interested in the Marans.. Talked with the wife we can take all of the chickens.. would love the goats too but no pen to keep them in
  11. itsbob


    Maybe we need a coop co-op where we can buy a ton of feed and split it up at cost.. I'm sure there enough chicken owners... but the logistics could be tough.
  12. itsbob


    Quote: I've been shopping around a little bit, but not too much.. the best prices I've found so far are at Tractor Supply. I went last week and bought two 50 pound bags of Layer pellets, prices at $14 something a bag.. when I checked out they scanned an in--store coupon and charged me 13.25 a...
  13. itsbob


    Quote: Yep, I did a little research this morning, and found out it's not TOO difficult to get a waiver for the 3 acres, BUT it costs $300 to file for one, and to get a hearing with no guarantee that it will get approved. Another way the politicians in MD found to get more of our money.
  14. itsbob


    With all that being said, I also am looking for a better place to buy feed. The best price I can get down here is about $15 for a 50 pound bag of Layer Feed. I'd love to find a feed-mill where I can buy in larger bulk, like a 55 gallon drum of feed at a time. I don't see why we can't get the...
  15. itsbob


    ND a little more information.. I own a mixed flock of birds. Currently have 12 birds that are laying, 2 Araucana, 2 Leghorns, 2 Red-X, 2 Silkies, 1 buff orpington, 1 Barred Rock (I think) 2 hat I don't know what they are.. and 2 Pekin Ducks I have a mixed bag of 9 chicks (to include bantams)...
  16. itsbob


    Quote: Howdy NEIGHBOR!! SOUTHERN St Mary's here.. Dameron to be exact!
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