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  1. ChooksChick

    Question for the Chicken Psychiatrists out there:

    I think if you look for intelligence and awareness in any animal you'll find it. I have fish in my goldfish pond that know me from other people. Anyone can go stand on the edge of the pond, but when I approach, they swarm- I'm the feeder. I look very similar to my daughters, my sisters, and a...
  2. ChooksChick

    Question for the Chicken Psychiatrists out there:

    Quote: Sorry- I should have posted the link to the empathy study before! I think it's ridiculous for anyone to judge another for what they believe about whether another...
  3. ChooksChick

    Question for the Chicken Psychiatrists out there:

    I think they feel. It was recently shown in a study that chickens can show and experience empathy. Often, if you take the dominant hens out and isolate them for a week, the pecking order will shift and allow bullied hens to gain a bit of confidence. Hope that helps!
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