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  1. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Middleton area BEAR EATING CHICKENS ! make sure that you lock your hens up good ! If you can't then get some sheet plywood and put nails through it, flip it over so the bear has to step on the nail to get...
  2. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Thanks guys........... as you know it would happen, she broke her Broodiness after 2 hours from my post :he Just as I was looking forward to seeing her hatch out a few eggs. 😭 I will keep you're 2 posts in mind !
  3. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I'm near Burlington MA and wondered if anyone had any fertilized Buff Orpington eggs? I got a determined Broody Hen and thought I would let her have 2-4 eggs all to herself. She is such a sweet hen that it would be nice to see if she would be a good Momma for the future. I do not have a Roo
  4. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I am not too worried other then if you have a pond and a lot of ducks or geese are in the area. I mean Anything can bring in the infected poop but then you would be just sitting next to the hens shooing everything away :lau Actually I shooed a sparrow away yesterday, lol, then just giggled
  5. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Post this in this thread in NH. There may be someone... also maybe Conn too
  6. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I've not heard that.. and hope not ! Keep an eye on your flock, do you have ducks too? Are you near a pond that ducks and geese go to? I have a pond at my work and there are geese and ducks, so I have to now take off my shoes when I get to my car and bag my work shoes because I am afraid of...
  7. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I thought it was just wild birds they found but not surprised to fine any farm/backyard that also has Ducks get it along with their hens too :( It's rude to let a flock 'roam the neighborhood' :rant There was a house on a twisty turny road that did that and they were upset that the chickens...
  8. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?
  9. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    @Boppo I have Black Australorps ............ near miss with a hawk, so nope. I was hoping that too.
  10. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Subscribe to the NH thread, it's not very active but since we are neighbors it's good to hear about things. Also on the USDA site...
  11. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Someone just posted this in the NH thread.
  12. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    :lau In my area I got some melted down to grass in the front and part of the side of the house but the back got all the Drift snow (which is still there about 10") in the storm and my 'path' is also just a glacier with an inch of water on top too. Mine are in a covered run so no worries about...
  13. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I think we got a full inch of sleet/freezing rain. Here you can see my carport/street and inside Coop and Run area from my security cameras. I don't wanna go back out there today 😶‍🌫️ I already scraped off the deck and there is another 1/2 inch on it again. yes that is the coop temp (36º) and I...
  14. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Good Good, Hens are now out in the covered run area, it's dry but you never know with this melting how long that will last. yes it looks like snow in my security cameras. SOO glad I called out of work today. A friend in Worcester that still only has rain right now. It's balls of sleet here in...
  15. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    How is everyone doing in the Ice today ???
  16. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I hate frozen chicken poop so I won't let them have snow this year.. well this group. My last hens wouldn't go out unless there was hay for them to walk on.. I'm not gonna shovel for them this year. If they want to go out when I go in the run for Fluffing time or add play things that will be...
  17. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Mine was covered 2 weeks ago.. easier to do when your fingers aren't falling off freezing ;) last weekend I took the Heavy duty tarp off and made rafters and wood sheeting to make a hard roof so if I'm working I am not too worried about the snow amount on top that will need to be brushed off...
  18. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    Anyone going to the Spencer Fair ?? Fri- Monday 10a-10p (monday till 6p) I am going as a vendor for my soaps... I will be in the vendor building INSIDE ;) Not saying to come buy anything just would LOVE to say HI to anyone that is on here !!! There is a poultry show too... plus all other 4-H...
  19. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I think the only thing you have to worry about is all the rain and the ground being so saturated that the trees come down :( The one big band they said was hitting me is here. Will see how bad that part is. But the coop is tethered down and several straps over the top to keep the sunshade from...
  20. tigger19687

    BYC members in Massachusetts?

    I ended up using the sun shades (doubled up) and vents at the top so when the winds come it blows through at the top ends. They will be locked in over night, I'll close and lock early Sat night. Then gotta see how it goes Sunday and Monday. But yeah I think they will get locked in during the...
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