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  1. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    haha! That reminds me of that movie Misery. :lol:
  2. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    Do you mean wheat flour like you use for cooking?
  3. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I think celery and carrots go the fastest in my bins. They like potatoes too. Apple molds too quickly.
  4. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    We tried this once and it doesn't work for the ants at our house. They were getting into our cat's food so we put several white chalk lines around it in circles. Then we watched the ants crawl all over and across the chalk lines right into the food bowl.
  5. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I think with that many, the method that Kassaundra had of putting them in a container they can get out of is the best (put the container in a container they can't get out of too though... ) as long as the worms can't get out of it. But you'd still have the task of separating dead beetles from worms.
  6. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I've found that picking them out is the only easy way. I use a plastic spoon because when I try to pick them up by hand, I feel like I'm going to squish them. I pick out the beetles, btw. They are easier to spot.
  7. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    OMG. The eating is adorable but I just love looking at NN chicks. :D
  8. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I've tried the apple/carrot trick and so far there haven't been enough to bother with. Maybe I just don't have enough worms yet. We're working on the 3rd generation right now so once these hatch, maybe. Right now they're just starting to pupate.
  9. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I've had apples go moldy. So far that's the only thing.
  10. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I mostly use carrots, celery, lettuce leaves and potatoes and put them all right on the oatmeal. So far no problems. This summer we'll be gone for about 2.5 weeks on vacation. Any suggestions? I don't have anyone who can come over (dh's brother will take care of the livestock but won't come in...
  11. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I don't heat mine and haven't at all so far. When we first got them they were on the kitchen floor and we keep it around 70 in the house. So it was probably a little cooler down on the floor. I had pupae and beetles and eventually baby worms in what seemed like the normal time. Now I have them...
  12. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I'm guessing about as warm as it needs to be for regular garden veggies, but it does say it can probably be grown in a pot. I have a piece cut off now that i'm going to put in a pot and see how that works out. Maybe I will put it in the garden when it gets warm enough or just try to keep growing...
  13. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    For those that feed celery to their worms, here is an interesting article on regrowing celery. I'm going to try it.
  14. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    Shoot. I was at a pet store yesterday and forgot to get cricket water. I haven't done any extra water of any kind (other than a wet paper towel once) since I got them back in Sept/Oct but now that I read others do, I feel like I need to. So what about harvesting? Do you wait until you have so...
  15. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I just use quick oats for all of it and I have a lot of 2nd gen worms right now.
  16. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    haha! That is so cute and funny. My dh is a farmer so nothing, and I mean NOTHING grosses him out. Well, almost nothing. I'm sure something might. I love swirling through the worms and then listening to them. They really make a lot of noise working their way through. Also think it's funny how...
  17. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    I've seen a few here too, and it's not because of the worm bins. We have had them before. Our bins are open and so far I've found no moths near it. As far as I know the only way to control the moths is with traps so I guess setting traps near the bins would help but you don't want to attract the...
  18. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    What is the best or easiest way to cut the bottom out of the drawer? I tried doing a search and came up with eleventy billion hits and don't really have the patience to read through 342 pages of posts. thanks :)
  19. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    One time I put a folded up damp paper towel in there and they got all over it. I need to do that again. Normally I try to put a fresh potato or some lettuce in there every day or two.
  20. gale65

    Mealworm farming

    If I'm going to transition to drawers I need to get it done. Maybe I'll get some drawers this weekend or maybe try to find some that I don't need around the house. I have very few live beetles left so there are a lot of wormies and before long, they'll probably be pupating again. This will be my...
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