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  1. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Mine are all together right now. Mostly beetles at the moment. I don't heat mine in the winter, so mine are pretty seasonal, the beetles aren't as cold hardy as the worms so they all die off in the fall, then the worms slow way down over the winter and there is a beetle explosion in the spring...
  2. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Personally, the beetles seem a lot more delicate to me than the worms, I would imagine the worms ship better as a result.
  3. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I have a bumper sticker that says "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup" So, I guess it's only fair to bread the dragons back??
  4. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Lol, I realize that was likely auto correct, but it made me laugh.
  5. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Super worms are another critter entirely with a different life cycle and different care requirements (such as they can stay in the larval "worm" stage for around 3 years before pupating if they want to). As for putting them in the feed bucket, I would probably try not to dump a whole lot of...
  6. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I'm waiting for my husband to have to work late so I can take my mealies outside and sift them out... They have a ton of frass built up.
  7. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I hide mine from my husband for much the same reasons... lol
  8. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    My worms are freezing their little butts off right now, it's winter and they hate it... they are in an unheated room... They'll be ok and start doing their thing again in the spring though.
  9. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Yeah, I think it might be good to feed the Styrofoam to the worms, then feed the worms to chickens, then feed the chickens to something else, maybe Black soldier flies, and have the frass fed to something like grass to keep cleaning any chemicals out with each processing...
  10. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    My understanding is that the worms are ok with air humidity and no moisture source as they can pull the moisture from the air, but the beetles need actual water they can drink.
  11. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    My Pigeon doesn't either, but I DID see him rip a big striped sunflower seed in half once by holding it in his beak and smacking it with his foot...
  12. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Though that WOULD be funny to watch....
  13. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    If you want to kill the supers, put them in the freezer for a little while, they are tropical and can't handle cold temps.
  14. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I would try increasing the humidity in the pupa container. Maybe put some wet cotton balls in the bottom of a container and then some plastic mesh with the pupa on top so they aren't wet, but they have some extra humidity.
  15. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    They look like BIG mealworms, but they are more cannibalistic, the life stages NEED to be kept apart, and they will not pupate in a reasonable amount of time unless forced, if you don't force them, they will take up to 3 years before pupating!
  16. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I have heard that about SUPERWORMS but not mealies. Entirely different species.
  17. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    I will have to disagree with them needing veggies. I have raised I believe 5 generations of mealworms and have only given them 1 baby carrot.... ever... and that's the only veggie I have given them. I DO occasionally mist them or give them something wet, but, it could be weeks between my doing...
  18. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    My worms are weird. From everything I have read on here, they don't like to be crowded... I had mine in a small bin that was about 2 inches deep in WORMS, not worms and bedding, just worms, I would toss in a handful or 2 of food in every couple of days and it would just vanish into the writhing...
  19. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    No real reason not to feed the beetles, but, after raising the larva all the way to a pupa and then taking care of the pupa until the beetle emerges, it would be a shame to kill the beetle before it has laid all of the eggs that it can over it's life.
  20. Kusanar

    Mealworm farming

    Now, I have small worms dropping through the screen, so you need to watch for that. Any frass I suspect may have small worms in it, I tossed a few more cheerios in there and will keep it for a few weeks, then run it back through the screen a little at a time to get the worms back out. Any that I...
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