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  1. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Mealworms are 58% protien. I assume superworms are about the same. Regular mealworms are easy to raise, so why would you want to mess with the others? I guess since I chose to raise regular mealworms that would indicate my preference for those.
  2. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    You could do at t/m said, or you could go ahead and set it up so it would be ready to just add your worms whenever they get there. I can't think of any reason why you would have to dump it during that short amount of time.
  3. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Actually, it is the eggs that fall through and maybe newly hatched worms, but the larger worms will not go through the screen. Mine seem to really like celery. I cut the root part of the stem off and put it in there for them.
  4. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    That is exactly what I do. Not only do you catch any eggs or tiny wormies that might fall through, but you catch that frass, too. I'm hoping to not have to sort beetles and pupae out of my bottom 2 drawers. I am hoping I can just keep the top drawer as a self perpetuating unit. I've noticed...
  5. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Amy-LOVE the cochin in your avatar. Very pretty! After finding my FIRST baby worm, I was curious, so I got to digging around. There are LOTS! Yippee! Success! I was able to find more babies in my top bin with my beetles than I did in the second bin under them. The third drawer is still...
  6. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Yesterday I found my FIRST BABY MEALIE! If there's one I know there's more. My first of a bazillion! Now I can quit worrying.... a little. I was afraid all my beetles would die before I got any babies.
  7. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    A bazillion. That would be a good number. I have lots of beetles, but still can't detect any little worms. I am starting to get some dead beetles in there, so I hope they are doing their job before they meet their demise. Since I don't have any worms yet that I can feed out I've been giving...
  8. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Nice! Do you have a number in mind of how many worms you want to raise?
  9. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    I came into the extra bedroom where I have my worms and beetles right now. The sun hits the totes for a very short time in the morning. I came in at just that time. You couldn't see a single beetle in there! They must hate sunshine and had all burried themselves. What cryptic little creatures.
  10. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    "Also, I can see "wee -tiny tracks" on the Bottom of my Bin, underneath, while holding it above my head...then I know I have baby worms in there.." AHA! This is the first time I've read that. I'll have to go have a look-see. I'm still waiting to see little tiny wormies, but I've got LOTS of...
  11. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Thanks, Hannakat. I feel better about not having anything in the second drawer for moisture now. I didn't want to put something in there and then have it just sit and mold or something.
  12. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    I can justify ANYTHING if it's something I want to do! I have questions for you experienced 3-drawer people. I just got mine set up. Since there is space along the edge of the top drawer where there is no screen (had to have a place to glue the screen) do you gently shake or stir the...
  13. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Okay, I'm slow. It took me a few seconds to figure this one out! Sounds kind of like an answer my DH would come up with.LOL!
  14. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Great! I've got some window screen, and I had forgotten to ask what is the best thing to fasten the screen to the drawer with. The fruit fly thing doesn't sound good, though. I put part of a banana peel in there after I asked about it, and they went nuts over it. I think I'll just be sure...
  15. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    A couple more questions...I'm just getting my 3 drawer system set up. These drawers shut pretty tight. Does anyone add extra ventilation or do you just leave the drawers slightly ajar? The screen for the bottom is just window screen, right?
  16. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Thanks. Good to know!
  17. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    I don't always have apples and potatoes or carrots on hand. My beetles were really thisty today. Fortunately I had some of the cricket quencher I could put in there. Does anyone use bananas? Do bananas work okay? We have bananas on hand more often than the other fruits and veggies and it...
  18. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Tikka-Good luck with those. Maybe since you have some pupae they will reproduce. Well, I've changed my mind (again) about my worm farm. I have them in a single tote. I "thought" I had one of those 3 drawer things out in storage, but when I looked it was only a 2 drawer. I figured I could...
  19. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    hannakat-I think I'll be heating any substrate that I add from now on, but not in the microwave! Thanks for the info!
  20. Ivywoods

    Mealworm farming

    Yes, boys love bugs, but they learn so much from watching something like this. Maybe you have a budding entomologist there!
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