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  1. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    You can also do a trench method. Dig a trench, fill it with your refuse and then put your worms in it. You can build a roof over it to protect from rain, too. The worms will congregate where there is ample food.
  2. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    My system is realllly simple. I purchased my original red wigglers (Eisenia Foetida) on Ebay. I got 1/4 pound for around 16.00 or something. My first system I had them indoors in my mini coffee can composting system. Here is the link...
  3. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I feed mine everything from chicken poo and goat poo to all of the livestock's litter. They are actively feeding right now in my pens. I made a slow release feeder out of a plastic bucket with holes in the bottom. I fill the bucket with sloppy poo/scraps and then the liquid drains into the soil...
  4. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    Aspen, I am raising them and they are wonderful!
  5. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I turn our furnace on first thing in the morning and get it to about 70 degrees. I shut it down to either 60 or 65 degrees the rest of the day. It has made a HUGE difference in our electricity bill. I have to freeze us during the day because my husband thinks we should live IN the furnace when...
  6. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    What should I feed to make some of my mealies really, REALLY fat? I wanna get some good pictures of super-duper fat mealies. Maybe some organic corn?
  7. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I remember one day last year, I set up one of those mini flow through breeders. Well, I didn't have the right glue to glue the screen on. One day I heard this raining and scratching sound. I swear, it seemed like hundreds of beetles were crawling all over my hallway and washer and dryer!!! I...
  8. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I quickly step on the escapees so my husband doesn't see them.
  9. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    Yes, milo is a round, brownish to tan seed. It has a nuttier flavor than pop corn. Really good and no kernels to get stuck in your teeth!
  10. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I soaked the milo in water for a few minutes and drained it. Then I placed them in a pan with a lid and popped like regular pop corn. I did a bit with oil and they popped much better than without oil. The amount of popped kernels improved with a few minutes of soaking them in warm water before...
  11. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    That is so weird. Mine decimated the popped milo. lol.
  12. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    Quote: I remember reading that but don't understand the purpose. Did you pop it first? Do they eat it? Quite a while ago, someone posted pictures of their colony filled with corn husks....whoever it was didn't come back to answer questions that were asked regarding it's use. Made for a...
  13. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    That is so cool Kass!
  14. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    Guys, totally try this popped milo in their feed. Mine are just loving it still!!!
  15. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    Oh, I got rid of mine the hard way. I sifted and then rinsed the mealworms throughly under running water in a sieve. I then placed the mealworms on clean paper towels to quickly dry them so they didn't drown. I think I rinsed for about 60 seconds per wad of mealies. I also popped milo and...
  16. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I found an article saying they can kill your mealies over time. That and to use a light dusting of sulfur powder to kill them. A light dusting is supposedly harmless to the mealies.
  17. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    I put several heaping tablespoons of crushed garlic in my five-gallon chicken waterer. I didn't notice a garlic taste to their eggs. But, I DO like garlic so maybe I just didn't notice the taste.
  18. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    There is a wild garlic and a wild onion. We mostly have the garlic but do have some onions as well. Just make sure it smells like garlic or onion. If it lacks the smell, it could be another type of poisonous lily.
  19. CluckyJay

    Mealworm farming

    For really quick garlic spread, use the wild-type. It spreads like fire and keeps coming back for ages.
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