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  1. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I too had a problem with grain mites and I bake my substrate before using it, where did I go wrong? Well I was keeping the mealworms in the garage due to their smell, but I was also keeping the chicken scratch, chicken feed, and meal worm substrate in the garage as well. I thought I had...
  2. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I haven't posted in a while, everything was going smoothly. I had and have a ton of meal worms in all different stages, beetles, and pupa. I've been trying the 3 bin system, but it more turned into a two bin system, one with the worms, and then I would move the pupa into a small container until...
  3. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I have a three drawer system and one of the bins had a bunch of dead beetles in it with baby worms as well, so I took the bin out to the girls and they had a blast! I figured the baby worms were to small for them to pick out. The girls did a heck of a clean up job and I had fun watching them!
  4. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

  5. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    found the info on page 375 of this thread! I need to figure out how to go to a specific page without having to click on multiple pages just to get to it! Anyays, it was 55 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes, which equates to about 131 degrees Fahrenheit! I know what I am doing tonight! Is it...
  6. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Good to know! I thought they would kill the beetle/pupa/larva or cause problems with them!
  7. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Interesting to know! I have not seen anyone here in this thread say this before. All the info I have read in this thread has said to freeze or heat the wheat bran! How long to heat for and at what temperature in the oven?
  8. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Hmm...well that is my only place to bring them into for the winter, the garage will get into the 40's during the winter!
  9. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Dang, that is what I was afraid of! I have so many worms I couldn't tell you...I started back in November.....I have a three drawer system in a stacking tower with the top beetle drawer having a screen on the bottom for the baby worms to fall through to the middle bin. The bottom bin is a...
  10. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    So how bad are the mites? Do I need to start over with my colonies? Will they harm the chickens?
  11. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I have a question regarding grain mites! I have been using what bran that I buy bulk at my local grocery store. I freeze all of it before using it, a minimum of 24 hours, sometimes even longer depending on when I actually need to use it. I moved my colony in a three tier set up from inside the...
  12. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I had the same problem....I had the screen on the outside at first and everything fell through! So now the screen is on the inside, and since there are only Beetles in the bin I only keep about a 1/2 inch of wheat bran in the bottom so it isn't so heavy on the screen. I haven't had any problems...
  13. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Keep us updated on how they like the bell peppers....I planted several in the garden this year!
  14. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I'm using screen and I have no problem with the baby meal worms falling through it!
  15. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Great to see pictures of your set up! I am using the screen as well, but when hubby put it together for me he put the screen on the outside and not on the inside of the container and eventually the weight (although not much) eventually cause the screen to fall off and all the contents to fall...
  16. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Well I'm still pretty new at this, but I just wanted to say that I started my 3-bin system in November as well. I still have a ton of live beetles, and a ton of new worms. Are you sure your worms just aren't so tiny you can't see them? Mine have matured to feeding size now, but depending on your...
  17. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    the waves kill the nutrients in food when using a microwave
  18. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I wouldn't microwave the wheat bran, microwaves will kill all the nutrients in the food and the meal worms not only use this for bedding but they eat it as well. The more nutrients they eat the more nutrients for your chickens. I would freeze it for at least 24 hours and you should be safe.
  19. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    Never thought to check with the local birding stores, that is such a great idea! Thanks so much! I think I bought about a total of 4000 meal worms over a period of time starting last November. I fed some the chickens, but saved most of them to start breeding. I am now to the point to where I...
  20. BeccaSmith

    Mealworm farming

    I called around to a few local stores in my area and found that Petco was the cheapest....but the meal worms are on the small side, so don't expect anything like what you would receive if you mail order them. I have found the quality through the mail to be much better!
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