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  1. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    Do you have a facebook for this I can like or share?
  2. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    That's about 15 minutes from me. I am so there! Looking forward to it.
  3. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    Alright, I'm gearing up to gather my research for Wauconda. Anyone else here in Wauconda? I'm hoping to put together a little gathering to get us started. (posting in where are you as well)
  4. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I really like your pov re your fb page, that is. Do you think urban homesteading has a better shot at being accepted vs just attempting to have certain animals accepted? Just curious what your thoughts are on the matter.
  5. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    Anyone here heard the skinny on Mendelein?
  6. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens That's the sticky up top in local laws and ordinances.
  7. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    Well, of course that's what it's saying. But, it would seem, that when a fellow BYC member inquired about chickens he was told no. However, the village is willing to discuss and would like further information. I'm waiting to see what happens in neighboring towns. Until then, there is a...
  8. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I love it there, I grew up summering on the lake. I have several family members who live in Monticello now.
  9. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I'm working on a FB page for my town. Any suggestions for good pics of the most friendly looking chickens known to man? Thanks!
  10. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I don't have a facebook account so I cannot sign up for updates. Any chance you'll also be updating here? Thanks! Cate
  11. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I'll do my best to attend, my hubby leaves for a business trip on the 25th and 7pm is a little late for my little ones to head out. If I find a sitter, I'm there! Otherwise, I already emailed in support of your efforts. Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
  12. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    After reading another thread about less than cooperative ordinances towards gardening and chicken keeping I had the idea to look up the number of households in my town (Wauconda) that are on public assistance. I haven't found that information yet but did find that does say that...
  13. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I'm a total schmoozer! lol One of my first steps after moving is to find community involvement opportunities and make an immediate good first impression. Now I just have to find the time to look for those opportunities.
  14. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    This seems to be the common response, no response. I attempted to contact the village we're about to move away from. I made multiple attempts and never received a call back from them. If I did live spitting distance from the police station I might have just gotten the birds anyway. lol
  15. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I did find our house on the zoning map, we're R3.
  16. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    Anyone? PLEASE help! Our lease is up. We'd hoped to move in two weeks (the house we love in Mt Prospect fell through) and haven't found a house yet in an area that specifically states they allow chickens. We're looking at a house in Wauconda tomorrow and I'd really like to know, before we sign...
  17. chitown chicks

    illinois towns that allow backyard chickens

    I'm looking for the Wauconda code or ordinance that specifically states that one cannot have chickens in any area but agricultural. I just cannot seem to find it. I did find the definition as stated above as well as some nuisance code but nothing said chickens are strictly prohibited.
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