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  1. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Jeremy, Thanks for letting me know - I see they have a picture of Hagrid when he was young. THey have a telephone number listed on their page - I plan on giving them a call and letting them know that they are using a picture of my bird.
  2. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Honestly, I don't think this is that bad. When I imported eggs from England, my hatch was 2 out of 105. Thank goodness I got a pair !! I have a few thousand bucks in 2 birds - Winston & Clementine - worth every penny
  3. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Great pictures everyone !! Roger - I love that big ole boy you have. He's a beauty. I know this is a bit off topic, but my hubby got a "new toy" this past Thursday and wanted to post a few pictures of it. It's a 1960 Dodge Dart Pioneer.
  4. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Great pix everyone. I just wanted to say that I have ordered saddles twice from Lovemychix. The first set I ordered fit my American Orps just fine, but they were way too small for my English girls. I sent her a PM and she made the second order of saddles to the specific size that I requested...
  5. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    WOOO HOOO That is great news, Julie. CONGRATS !!! It definitely warms the cockles of the heart to see these English Orps doing so well at shows....and they said it couldn't be done !!!
  6. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Congrats Roger - they are just so cute . My incubators are calling my name !!
  7. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    GORGEOUS !! I love Crele. When I imported eggs a few years back, I imported some Crele was heartbreaking when none of them hatched. I'd love to have some of these.
  8. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    I spoke to Jeremy earlier today. I don't believe he had planned on posting about this until he had been able to actually assess the loss - plus, sometimes it is just too hard to talk about and you don't want to post publicly. I don't want to speak for Jeremy, but from what I understand, it...
  9. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Louise - She is just gorgeous !!! I love the beautiful color. Now I want some Jubilees !!
  10. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Wow - she is just beautiful !!! Who would have thought that ugly, scrawny chick would turn into this??? Speaking of the Ugly Duckling becoming a Swan, huh? Congrats Happy Chook - she really is a treasure.
  11. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    I wish I could see his tail, but he looks awesome Roger. Can't wait to get my eggs from that boy !!! Love that big round chest and the back looks good in that photo. He sure does remind me of his Daddy !!
  12. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    My English Orps tend to molt pretty heavily, but I've never had them get thin like that. How is the other one molting? Is she thin too? I'd love to see pictures of the "ostrich" I remember when we were all trying to figure out whether it was a "he" or a "she," and whether it actually was...
  13. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hi Dave - good to see you !! Thanks for the compliments. I think they are beauties, but I'm sure I'm just a tad bit prejudiced Goldie is a pretty girl and she is just the sweetest little girl ever. She is right at 9 months old, so she still has a way to go before she is mature.
  14. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Thanks Bob - I'm glad you cleared that up. I was also seeing the "blue" spots in those birds and agreed with Jeremy that there had to be some blue gene in them somewhere. Beautiful birds, regardless of what genes they carry.
  15. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Not quite sure what you mean by "low back." I think that it might look different because Roger was taking a picture of him looking down - I think to show the width of his boy?
  16. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hey Roger - Your boy looks like a wide load !!! And that little chick has really grown !! I'd love to see some good pictures of them if you can get them !!
  17. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Thanks Jeremy, I honestly don't have anymore decent pictures from that day. Nobody was cooperative except Clementine and she was very happy to "pose." Goldie definitely isn't as large as my BBS, but she is filling out nicely. She is a little over 9 months old now, so she still has some...
  18. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    It was a beautiful day here today - 70 degrees and sunny. I took a few pictures so I thought I would share. Goldie, Minerva & Matilda Winston Goldie Clementine Goldie Clementine
  19. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Jeremy - Kate is a beauty. Be sure to keep posting updated photos so we can seen how she matures. I don't know why, but I thought Alice was the only Blue girl you had from Winston. Winston and Clementine sure make some pretty babies don't they? Your Elizabeth is a beauty !!!
  20. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Jeremy - Kate is a beauty. How old is she? I can't wait to see how she matures. However, my goodness !!! Elizabeth is...just...WOW !! She is just gorgeous. Is she one of Neville's babies? If so, you need to make more of her !! I have decided that I MUST have her !!!
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