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  1. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    I need to get mine bottled up too! Just one more thing to add to the "to do" list!! Jennh - good tip on the cork - thanks Sandee
  2. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    Quote: That would be some pricey vanilla!!! But probably the best you every had. Sandee
  3. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    You know I had completely forgotten about getting some rum and making more. Thanks for indirect reminder. I just looked at mine this morning and it finally got darker. I tried boiling down some to see what would happen and if it concentrate the flavor - Nope - lost all the flavor. Not too...
  4. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    Jen Beautiful puzzle and it's perfect along with the tiles! I have a bunch of beans left so I'm going to try it in Rum. NOTE TO SELF: Go to liquor store on the way home!! Sandee
  5. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    Quote: Don't know what happen but thanks for posting it again. Mine is getting darker but not that dark yet. May be I did it wrong the first time. By the way, I love your chicken tiles in the background - very cute. Sandee Sandee, I may have used more beans than you did. I think I may...
  6. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    Quote: Don't know what happen but thanks for posting it again. Mine is getting darker but not that dark yet. May be I did it wrong the first time. By the way, I love your chicken tiles in the background - very cute. Sandee
  7. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    Quote: I usually use the cheapest, but this time I thought I'd try the 150 proof. It's PARAMOUNT Virgin Island Rum, 151 Imported West Indies Rum. It has really darkened up, and it's only been about a month. I haven't tasted it yet, though. This wasn't real expensive, $11 I think, but don't...
  8. Dragonfly Ranch

    Homemade vanilla extract. Can you use Gin? **PICS ADDED**

    I got vanilla beans from ebay as well. They were not as long as some others that I got from a site called Organic Vanilla Company. But they have been out for some time so went through ebay and beans actually came from France. I tried this last year and have not been able to get it dark enough...
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