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  1. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Totally! PM me! :-)
  2. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I think the red lobe is definitely something we're all trying to breed back in to the Crevecoeur...some of mine have almost a fully red lobe, but others have hardly any red at all. The cockerels seem to have more red in their lobes than the pullets...most of my girls have white lobes. I'm...
  3. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Hi MzFitzDarcy! Sorry for the delay...haven't been on BYC for a bit...I'll look in to shipping to you...can you PM me and we can chat more? Would love to send you some pairs if it'll work. Hope to hear from you soon!
  4. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Hi Crevie Folks! Been a while (busy chicken summer!)...thought I'd post a few pictures of my crew... My boy William looking handsome and his buddy Bowie photobombing him. A few of the girls bedding down for the night... William getting photobombed again...this time by the...
  5. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I'm so sorry about losing your little's always a heartbreak... I've had good success with the three basics: cleanliness, high-quality feed and good supplementation. Try to keep all your pens as clean as possible and your bedding dry. Depending on the stage mine are in, that can mean...
  6. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    This photo sucks, I know...I'll try to get some better side pictures of my 2 1/2 year old boy when I can get him to hold still (he hates being photographed!) I would consider him show quality but with the white earlobe. He has developed slowly and is still gaining weight (but now about 7 lbs!)...
  7. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Oooh...forgot to mention that I think I may have a bit of Urch's line in my guys as well...they kind of look like his too. Sadly, I've not been able to get in contact with him yet... :-(
  8. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I totally second this! Crevies that are being bred need to conform to the breed standard as much as possible (with the known issues of the earlobe color and lack of size being worked on.) I raised WCB Polish for a long time and true Crevecoeur DEFINITELY don't act like a Polish. Mine I would...
  9. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I'm working on developing my parent flock right now, but I should have some finished hens available later this summer (probably August-September.) This year (due to my smaller flock) I will be re-homing any excess breeding birds to people who already have a Crevecoeur and are interested in...
  10. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Hi all you Crevecoeur folks! Just wanted to share a picture of my latest Crevies hatching...still in the adorable gremlin stage! And yes, they do fly. Here is a picture of one of my month-old cockerels William perching on the edge of the brooder/juvie pen. The funny thing is, he knows...
  11. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    You're totally welcome! I really love their looks too...I had some Polish growing up that weren't the brightest, so I love the fact that these Crevies know what's up, yet are really sweet too! My mom and dad were not hand raised so they're a bit more skittish, but my babies are all turning...
  12. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Not sure about other folks' Crevies, but my mom has very small horns that you can barely see at the base of her crest. Her egg production is seasonal and she lays a very nice quality petite white egg. It's really similar in size to a LF Polish egg. When she's in season she'll lay daily, but...
  13. SnowChik

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    Congrats on your new Crevies MissAshley! I'm also getting in to my first Crevecoeur babies this spring! I got my mom and dad from a friend who wanted to get rid of them. (She had to move and her mom didn't like them.) I have utterly fell in love with the breed thanks to those little guys...
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